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[TI BASIC] Turn off run indicator in BASIC?

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2005 12:30 am
by That_One_Guy
Is there a way to turn off the run indicator in BASIC? Or will i have to use one of the many asm utilities to do that?

Edit kv83: Added tag. Please use it in the future. Thanks.

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2005 12:38 am
by blueskies
ASM is the only way, as far as I know.

Run Indicator

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2005 12:46 am
by QuantumTorpedo
Yeah, BASIC alone can't turn it off. The specific ROM call for this is:

Code: Select all

To turn back on:

Code: Select all

Assuming you know how to create ASM programs. I'm unfamiliar with the ASM libraries around so there might be one you can use for this without the need to compile anything.

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2005 12:50 am
by That_One_Guy
Well i know Omnicalc has its ExecAsm( command...i just dont know any opcodes to use with it.

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2005 1:08 am
by Gambit
You can hand-compile the code with and :)

This is the code you want:

Code: Select all

So... wrote:#define B_CALL(xxxx) rst 28h \ .dw xxxx
... and later on in the file....
_RunIndicOff EQU 4570h wrote:RET "" C9 1 NOP 1
RST 28H EF 1 NOP 1
Knowing that the Z80 is a little-endian processor, the code to use with ExecAsm( would be as follows:

Code: Select all


/edit: Added links.

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2005 1:14 am
by That_One_Guy
Whoosh! over me head, but thanks a lot. Speaking of which, is there a list somewheres with a bunch of opcodes? Or could ya make one? Or tell me how to get them. Mind you, I haven't got much ASM experience, but i know some.

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2005 1:30 am
by Andy_J
That's what is for... Also, a much quicker way to do it is to just clear the flag bit (I'd have to look it up). And if you're using the graph screen, putting a space character in the large font at the top right corner blocks it most of the time... Of course you'll have to do that in your loop.

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2005 2:18 am
by That_One_Guy
Okay, I think i got it. But I cant find how to disable the Done messgae, or the graph screen clear. And i wonder if you could use _GetKey? If so, how exactly?

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2005 2:22 am
by Andy_J
There is no way to get rid of the Done message. I don't know what you mean by graph screen clear. As for getkey, I made some programs a while back that got filed incorrectly at ticalc. ... 30181.html For the 83+.

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2005 2:31 am
by Jim e
ofcourse you can get rid of the done andy.


Just don't display any text at the end of you prog, but still output. There are no spaces or anything.

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2005 2:36 am
by Andy_J
hmm, that doesn't make sense...

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2005 2:40 am
by Jim e
Doesn't have to, it works.
Try that

Code: Select all

:Disp "CAT
now without the output.

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2005 2:49 am
by MetalHead25
yep, it works

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2005 4:25 am
by Gambit
The "Done" is controlled by a flag, specifically:

Code: Select all

res donePrgm,(iy+doneFlags)
However, I don't want to spend the time to convert this to hex; you'll have to do it yourself. :P

Posted: Fri 13 May, 2005 4:29 am
by MetalHead25
yeah but is it permanent?