Your programming knowledge/level

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Your programming knowledge/level

Post by DJ_O »

Ok, it would be cool if people could post all their programming level on every language they know so we can flood them with programming help PMs if they are good at a language... just kidding :lol: . So just post your programming level (from a range of 0 to 100) in all programming language you know and maybe with a little description if you can. So here we go:

-LV 75
-I'm still learning :wink:

-LV 1
-I can display a letter on the home screen (I can change the location) :lol:

Visual BASIC
-LV 15
-I can make tilemaps but I haven't touched visual basic since june 2003 :p

-LV 5
-go to , open the HTML source and you have my HTML knowledge. Feel free to laugh as much as you can :oops:
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Post by Spengo »

TI-Basic: lvl 8
-I can write math programs!!! Woop-de-doop-de-doo! :P
z80: lvl 16
I can make things come from the top of the screen and smash your car which can move in 8 directions. Also, I recently learned how to display a background! :D \o/
VB: lvl 10
haven't spent too much time here. Learned it for a bit until I realized that almost everything else pwns it. >_<
html: lvl 20
don't take my website as my skill level. I spent about 30 seconds making that and am too lazy to make it better. :P

>:O I'm not very good at any of these languages yet!
bananas... o.o
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Post by benryves »

HTML isn't a programming language, it's a markup language (like LaTeX or RTF).
Oh well, I guess I should maybe list my languages (with smilies showing how confident I feel in them - scoring out of 100 is too complex!)

Logo :) (s'easy)
BBC BASIC :? (forgotten a lot)
6502 ASM :( (forgotten 90% of it!)
TI BASIC :) (I know enough to make a basic 3D maze game or the maths progs I need).
Visual Basic 6 :D (I use it for quick-and-dirty apps all the time)
Visual Basic 7 (.NET) :? (classes confuse me in this)
Z80 ASM :D (comfortable)
C/C++ (using C++ without OOP). :) (good stuff!)
Java :? (some things confuse me from time to time still)
PHP :D (it's what I do for work, after all)
PIC ASM (12F/16F series) :? (only 2 registers? Argh!)
ML :? (awkward, ungainly language. Eurgh)
Stamp BASIC :) (easy stuff)
QBASIC :) (fun-filled DOS magic)

I've no doubt forgotten a few along the way. :oops:
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Post by Spengo »

Oh, I thought we could only post the ones he said >_<
Okay, then

C++: lvl 10
forgotten most of it

QBASIC: lvl 1
just starting because my adv. comp topics teacher is making me

GML (gamemaker language)
lvl 55
yays! I can do anything with this easy language!
bananas... o.o
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Post by the_unknown_one »

All my languages? Wow... Lemme think...
QBasic :? Forgotten most
TI-Basic :) Can do what I need
z80 ASM :lol: Good (still learning)
HTML :D Good
PHP :D Good (still learning)
MySQL :) Not bad
C# :? Forgotten most
C/C++ :P Not bad (without OOP in C++) (still learning)
Turbo Pascal :) Not bad

Probably i'm forgetting some, and maybe i'm wrong about some :lol:
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Post by soinsg »

I use C, Java and Python. I know other languages but don't use them.
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Post by tr1p1ea »

Well I do know a few languages but i have been slowly reducing the amount of ime i spend programming lately. I am comfortable in things like C and z80. But i do know Java, C++, VB etc.
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Post by coelurus »

The idea with smilies feels like a good idea, easier to get it right than with a 100-scale.

General programming: :twisted: I know how to solve things in most languages I get hold of, which is the most important thing I know of.

C: :twisted:
C++: :D But I don't like it.
TPascal: :twisted: The first language I learnt and I got as far as a SW 3D renderer for a tiny shooter.
x86: :) Used it, mostly inline in TPascal 'cause Pascal is too slow for the more intricate stuff.
z80: :) Obviously. Forgot a lot about the details though, but I still know how the games/demos I wrote work.
Basic: :D If you know one, you know the rest...
Python: :? Gotta learn it a little better when it's time to write scripts for Blender.

Then a few more scripting-style languages which I won't bother listing.
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Post by CoBB »

I'd say I'm most confident with C, z80 and Prolog. I used to be fairly fluent in Pascal and x86, but that was many years ago. C++ I only know on a very superficial level, it's a very hard language to master. Java programming consists of diving in various APIs, the language by itself isn't hard. My Java skills could be described as 'moderate', along with Haskell, SML and Scheme. I detest PHP.

Oh, and there are various languages I know by syntax but never wrote programs in, like Fortran, Simula-67, Ada, Algol, Mercury etc.
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Post by Kozak »

z80: moderate knowledge. I can make anything I want but I have to work on keeping size down and code neat.

PHP: advanced. I have been programming this for 5 years. My use of it is infrequent but I never have problems getting things to work.

C++: mostly theoretical knowledge and some practical experience coding for HL2. I would say my knowledge of this is less then moderate.

BASIC: Yay! I forgot everything about it.
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Post by leofox »

z80: lvl 20, i can make scrolling and stuff, but a lot of tings are still unknown to me.

TI-BASIC: lvl 55: i know almost every optimization tricky, but my math is not that good, so i don't know what some stuff does.

LCN LOGO: lvl 50, it's easy

VISUAL BASIC: lvl 4, i could make a simple math prog, similar to the CYLINDER in the ti-83+ manual

C: lvl 1, i could recognize it, i guess

PHP: lvl 0, i know nothing
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Post by DarkAuron »

mIRC scripting (lvl 40): If I can make a fully featured MUD and a direct connection chat program with weird effects, what can't I make?
C++ (lvl10): I've messed with basic functions
Java (lvl 7): I hate java :evil:
HTML (lvl15): Frames, tables, decent layouts and a little javascript on the side
TI-BASIC (lvl60): Pretty much know every optimization I can find and squeeze out as much as I can in pure TI-BASIC; no one is as good as Kevin though!
Z80 (lvl20): I can make certain routines fit to my needs and do all the basic optimizations.
PASCAL (lvl3): I can copy code from a tutorial and it works.. and I understand the logic of the code, just not the individual lines :D
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Post by Jim e »

Z80 (lvl 85): Given time, and good palnning i feel that i could produces almost anything. Though laziness is the biggest road block.

TI-Basic (lvl 45):Not for gaming, but when I need to do repetative math i'm pretty good.

Pascal (lvl 30): I only use pascal when i need to convert bulk data into something else. I have never needed a huge amount speed or power so it has suited my needs.

HTML (lvl 23): I can make a document out of notepad. Including text formating, tables, frames, style sheets, and other things I am foregetting. But it's never professional looking.

QBASIC (lvl 15): I started to learn it but I didn't like it.

C++ (lvl 8): I can understand it easliy, but to code in it I had to keep some guides open.

I need to learn more. :roll:
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Post by leofox »

DarkAuron wrote:TI-BASIC (lvl60): Pretty much know every optimization I can find and squeeze out as much as I can in pure TI-BASIC; no one is as good as Kevin though!
*cough* Bryan Thomas *cough*
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Post by kv83 »

z80 senior level (60): I can write everything related to games and think of different approaches within the capabilities of z80. Don't ask me to make a grayscale interupt routine though ;).

php senior level (80): Could do everything with a handbook lying next to me.

cobol junior level (60): Did an 10week long training and got a certificate to program the language. No experience after that

VBA senior level (90): Did everything with access and vba. Kind of fun :).

VB6 junior level (60): Everything what the language was made for is within my powers. I did once a game (Crates3D), but I never mastered it
like ben did.

JAVA junior level (40): Did a lot with it, especially JSP. But never had enough time to write a full fledged application

C++ (5): Can recongnize it, and read it. That's it.

HTML: are you kidding? I don't even call it a programming language :P

BASIC: That's long ago. But it works similiar to VB I guess... without objects :p

Can't think of anymore (SQL isn't a programming language either)
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