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Metroid Sprite Request

Posted: Wed 10 Jun, 2009 1:04 am
by CDI
At some point, there where a goggle of Metroid sprites floating around, from Kraid to Ridley, MotherBrain to the Metroids, and even a few of a sitting/standing chozo statue. Since I was picking up work on Metroid Infinity again, and don't have any of these large sprites, I was wondering is anyone could possibly find them or make them for me? I know I can get Kraid and MotherBrain out of Metroid 83+, but the one I am really interested in right now is the sitting Chozo statur I either saw from Joe's Metroid or from the Diortem project [ can't remember where], and since I can get standing ones I think, it may not be a big deal for those, but the sitting one is kinda key to gameplay. Thanks and all :)

Re: Metroid Sprite Request

Posted: Sat 20 Jun, 2009 4:54 am
by Batman
i don't know exactly what you want but these are small enough bmp to fit the ti screen.
These were the ones used on zero mission, but i had to use photoshop to shrink them and greyscale...

Re: Metroid Sprite Request

Posted: Fri 10 Jul, 2009 4:23 am
by Batman
did those not work out, not what you want or just lost interest???

Re: Metroid Sprite Request

Posted: Fri 10 Jul, 2009 9:37 pm
by darkstone knight
i think he meant 8*16 b/w sprites :P

Re: Metroid Sprite Request

Posted: Sat 11 Jul, 2009 5:06 am
by Batman
well i can't help their, too much detail in it 2 be a 8*16, especially b&w... you could just break it down into 32 8*16 sprites but i don't see the point in it...

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