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Shattered Galaxy/ FastRPL Tut

Posted: Wed 14 Mar, 2007 1:17 am
by Comikal
Well, it's been a long time since I've programmed anything substantial on my 83+ and even longer in FastRPL. For nearly a year, I've mostly been fooling around with a physics sim.

Needless to say, that has nothing to do with my next project. Except for the fact that I can use RPL a bit better. So my next project will be called Shattered Galaxy, named for one of the first strategy MMO's I ever played. However, SGal (as I will refer to it) has alot of different weapons and items for me to do right now. So, I will use the rules of SGal but the units from Military Madness, the one that has been remade for the Nintendo Virtual Console.

Current plans:
-Turn-based game, not real-time
-Only full enemy retreat or all POC's for victory
-Military Madness units will use exact statistics
-Experience system similar to SGal

Of course, as it plays out, I will have more features added. To be honest, this project probably won't see any major adds until summer (it's my senior year of high school). However, I would really appreciate the following sprites/tiles
-All Military Madness sprites
The second part of the project will be my long-promised FastRPL tut. Since version 0.81 seems to be the last one, I will explain it as thoroughly as I know how. Pretty soon I'll be releasing my physics sim as an example program. Keep in mind that I was not a RPL developer, so there will be things that could be done other ways. I encourage questions and discussion about commands and features of RPL.

Posted: Sat 24 Mar, 2007 6:46 pm
by Madskillz
sounds cool keep us posted!

Posted: Sun 01 Apr, 2007 12:36 pm
by MeowHead2adg1
Madskillz wrote:sounds cool keep us posted!
I had never really wondered, but i guess if ok it will find out too. This is what will keep us posted to the end, well i hope.
