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CLAP - Temporary topic 2

Posted: Mon 24 Apr, 2006 9:43 pm
by Timendus
No offense Blueskies, but please PM me instead of replying, because this is the second time that your reply causes the topic to get messed up. The forum also doesn't want to load your profile page, and it sometimes gave me errors about an unnamed medal in the first CLAP topic, so it looks like you have a wrong medal listed in your profile... Please let kv fix this mess first :)

Here's the post I made in "CLAP - Temporary topic": ... .php?id=26

So, to reply to kalan I think it was, how does this look to you:


It's not really a scematic, just a fancy way of saying "connect all the wires", but hey whatever ;)

Posted: Mon 24 Apr, 2006 10:01 pm
by kalan_vod
Cool, you should make a "Hub" for this :P. Make some money!

Posted: Mon 24 Apr, 2006 10:26 pm
by Timendus
Heheh... I doubt people would pay for parts, assemblage and shipping of a device that they could make themselves in 5 minutes with a soldering iron and some very easy to come by parts :)

So, how are we going to get CLAP on's front page? :P

Posted: Mon 24 Apr, 2006 10:31 pm
by kalan_vod
Um, you can link all calcs now right? And you have that "scematic", which is by far better than anything on there I know of. I think it would be cooler to have a Hub for this then some wires :P, you get what I am saying right? Could it work, where you have 4 females in a box wired together and then you plug your male cord from your calc into the hub...That would be cool, "LAN" parties for calcs at schools >.> or at least zDOOM ;)

Posted: Mon 24 Apr, 2006 10:40 pm
by Timendus
kalan_vod wrote:Um, you can link all calcs now right?
What exactely do you mean by "all" calcs? :) I have routines for Ti-83 and Ti-83+ compatible (should be Ti-73, Ti-83+, Ti-83+SE, Ti-84+ and Ti-84+SE, but I can't test that). I still need to adapt it for Ti-82, Ti-85 and Ti-86, but I don't really have the development tools for that at the moment (Both Latenite and PTI don't support then). I'll probably be able to do Ti-82 relatively soon.
kalan_vod wrote:I think it would be cooler to have a Hub for this then some wires :P, you get what I am saying right? Could it work, where you have 4 females in a box wired together and then you plug your male cord from your calc into the hub...
That's exactely my idea :) Only problem is that I don't have a nice box to put that in, I'm too lazy to go buy four female plugs, and I only have one male to male cable for my three calculators... So I'll stick to my crappy setup for the moment :)

Posted: Mon 24 Apr, 2006 11:51 pm
by kalan_vod
So this will link all z80 calculators then, which is a real big accomplishment I think. I have a 82,83+,83+SE I can test it on, but I need to make/find a serial cable for the pc->82. Well it sounds really cool, and it would be awesome if this was a big hit (people at school playing a fps linked up :P). Yeah, I have 2 male<->male cables, and a soldering iron.

Posted: Tue 25 Apr, 2006 4:30 pm
by Timendus
The problem with Blueskies account has been fixed, so the other two thread are working again too. I asked KV to merge them all three in the correct order, so if you want to reply, please do it in this thread :)

So if I understand correctly, Kalan and Blueskies, you can both help me to test this on Ti-82, and Kalan on Ti-83+SE. Good, very good :) It should already work out-of-the-box on the entire Ti-83 and Ti-84 series, so that will not cost me any more time. I should also already have all the necessary information to adapt it for Ti-82, but I'm unsure what shell to compile for. I don't want to rewrite everything from my Ion targeted code, so I think I'll wait a bit untill Ben adds Ti-82 compile scripts to Latenite, then throw in 7 lines of Ti-82 specific code and that should do the trick.

I love modular software design ;)

Posted: Tue 25 Apr, 2006 4:38 pm
by kalan_vod
Well I do not have a serial link cable, so if I make one I will be able to :P. Also Digitan has a 82 and he programs for it, he might be willing to test/help out :P.

Posted: Tue 25 Apr, 2006 6:38 pm
by CoBB
For the 82 you should use SNG, because it's the only shell that allows you to use the free RAM in a sensible way, which is obviously important for portability.

Posted: Fri 28 Apr, 2006 3:30 pm
by KermMartian happened here? Why did this roll back half a week?!

Posted: Fri 28 Apr, 2006 3:43 pm
by benryves
Kerm, this was a temporary topic Timendus started when we had the forum oddities. The CLAP thread has been moved to the featured subforum.

Move along, nothing to see here :)