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Posted: Thu 15 Jun, 2006 3:06 pm
by NanoWar

Code: Select all

    ld      a,24
    ld      (RestoreA+1),a
    call    RestoreA    ;will load 24 into a
    ld  a,0
You can do everything with SMC. SMC is just fast. (look at some programming competition threads)

Edit: Oh cross post.. whatever..

Posted: Thu 15 Jun, 2006 3:08 pm
by Liazon
O_O oh ya, the second byte of the load command is the value being loaded rofl

sorry for going so VERY VERY off topic.

Posted: Fri 16 Jun, 2006 1:34 am
by thegamefreak0134
:o ... I get it, but don't quite see the usefull purposes. It's much easier in my head to use variables. Course, I suppose if you change one number in a loop rather than changing a variable, it makes the loop much faster because it doesn't have to load the variable every time, it already has the value. This could potentially be useful, actually.

You watch, I'll be using it now. That and I'll screw it over and my calc really will explode!


Posted: Fri 16 Jun, 2006 11:24 am
by Liazon
Are there any other useful applications of that? Or is it best to use SMC whenever you need to avoid loading from a variable?

Posted: Fri 16 Jun, 2006 12:37 pm
by benryves
Speed is always good. Not just for variables, either - it's useful for swapping instructions around (for example, change an INC HL for a DEC HL).

Posted: Fri 16 Jun, 2006 12:49 pm
by Liazon
Where can i find hex codes, sizes, and clocks for all the z80 instructions?

Posted: Fri 16 Jun, 2006 12:59 pm
by NanoWar

Posted: Thu 13 Jul, 2006 10:49 pm
by thegamefreak0134
Still can't get grey to work, but will fix later.

Hello again. I'm just letting you know, I'm working on the world map engine for the game now. I intend to have at least something working in the near future, so keep an eye out. It will not be in grey, mainly cause I need to get the routines working for the package in an APP (many strange issues) but it should still be a good run if it does in fact work. I'm also making a custom mapper for the game, so anyone wishing to map can do so.

I'm also working on the trainer shots for the game. Will post later.

I'll post either when it's done or when I'm online again, whichever comes first.


Posted: Fri 14 Jul, 2006 5:05 pm
by CompWiz
so, you'll post if you finish it before you are online again? I think you mean whichever comes last. :mrgreen:

It's great to hear that there's progress on this. Greyscale or no, if it's working, that's nice. :)

awaiting the trainer shots.

Posted: Wed 26 Jul, 2006 11:02 pm
by thegamefreak0134
Well, I would hardly call it finished, but I have the bare bones of a mapper made. The really cool thing here is that because I am so new, this looks really fast to me, even though I know my code is absolute crap.

Here in this shot you can see the beginnnings of palette town. It's not finished past the two houses as I am mapping it out by hand (the map maker is not finished quite yet) but other than that you can see my poor asm skills.

This is only the initial drawing engine, which will put the first image on-screen when you enter an area. The rest will be covered by a scrolling routine, which will write later when I have toe collision system worked out. This way, I know it's going to work alright even if it doesn't look good. Here's that screenie:


I intend to finish palette town, and then work on a couple systems to basically allow you to (primitively) walk around the town and not walk through things. The character is not there yet, because I've been focusing on the map. But it is a great achievement (two days of headaches and a discovery that modifying the interrupt registers while they are being used isn't a very good idea) so I dedided to go ahead and post it. The project is now taking shape. Congrats.


PS: Would it be a bad idea to require about 5000 bytes (give or take a few) for the APP to run? Cause I really need to be able to copy the map and graphics to RAM to keep the basic engines on one page. Plus, this will speed things up and make things smaller in the actual app.

Posted: Thu 27 Jul, 2006 3:58 am
by tifreak8x
Nice. I think we can both agree for our projects that the maps will be one of the bigger pains, since there is so much map data to put in.

Still hammering away at the sprites on mine, just finished #49 today...

Posted: Thu 27 Jul, 2006 7:30 am
by kv83
Seems like you gonna get some competition really soon :P

Posted: Thu 27 Jul, 2006 11:42 am
by Liazon
wow, looks nice. what's with the black spots? bad screenshoter? It's really impressive right now.

Posted: Thu 27 Jul, 2006 12:41 pm
by chickendude
Wow, looking nice!

I've got a question, though: how are you going to fit all of this?

Sprite: 32 x 4 x 2 for your 32x32 sprites, assuming that they only have one shade of gray
Name: 8 assuming that the average name length is 7 bytes plus 0
HM/TM: 7 seven bytes gives you 56 bits, assuming one of those bits stands an hm or tm
Movelist: 8 assuming on average each pokemon only learns 8 moves

all x 151 = 42129 bytes

And that's just the data for the pokemon, it doesn't include the gym leaders or the maps or the trainers or the scripts or anything.
I certainly believe you can do it, it's just that it will be a MASSIVE program if you ever do finish!

I am very interested in getting into rpg programming, so if you ever do need any help let me know and maybe we can pseudo code together or something :P

Posted: Thu 27 Jul, 2006 12:55 pm
by CompWiz
wow, that looks great. It's great that you're progressing on this. Also, I'm guessing the greyscale flickering is because of the emulator, and you wouldn't see it on a calculator, right?

As to the huge amounts of data, maybe some compression would help you save some space, but it still will be a huge app. Oh well, it's worth it.

Also, 5000 bytes of ram taken up is fine. Most other games require a lot more than that.

It's great to see progress on this. Feel free to post any more screenshots of progress you make. :)