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:If not(Ans
:If not(Ans
well, since tr1p1ea has no plans to make xlib a full on shell, what if some one made a basic shell to run xlib games and make it so that if your ram ressets, all you do is ungroup the shell again and your set?
How? Well, one program to recal a string listing every program made and use it to list which programs are available (with out cluttering up the menu with sub programs) in a menu and give you options to delete them, as well as a asm program to update the list that is initialised by a simple installer run outside of the shell. To install a game, you would unarchive the installer, and running it would have it test wether xlib is installed or not install, if not it exits and informs the owner they need xlib. Other wise, it loads that string and it adds it self to the list, stores it back to string, and uses the shells asm program to update the list program.
Sooo...*denotes archived
In the Shell: Initialiser,Shell Menu*,Shell list program*,Shell updater (asm)*
In the Game: Instaler,Main game*,all sub programs*[/code]