Mainly because one (high profile!) user is having real problems getting the buggy TASM to work with it, and other people have expressed annoyance with TASM, (limited string length, limited label length, limited numbers of DBs, lack of features, buffer overflow crashes... the usual) I have decided that I need to write an assembler (BRASS).
WLA-DX is very nice but is geared towards console development and burning programs on ROMs, and defining a ROM bank map for a TI-83 Plus program is a bit silly. I will try and keep it as compatible with TASM as possible, so old TASM-geared code still compiles, but will add some new features.
Just to show that this isn't just an idea and that I am actually doing something about it, have an evening's work;

(BRASS at the top, TASM at the bottom - not that it actually matters!)
A lot of work still needs to be done - supporting ZIDX/ZIX/ZBIT instructions (anything like BIT *,A or LD A,(IX*)) is a pretty important one, for starters. The expression parser (for things like "_label+21" needs to actually parse expressions (all it does at the moment is check for and substitute in labels or numbers). Directives for conditionals and macros (and macros themselves!) need to be worked in.
Currently supported directives: .org, .include (#include maps to .include), .locallabelchar and .module.
.include could do with some work, this will compile (or rather, it won't ever get into pass 2):
File: test.asm
Code: Select all
.include "test.asm"