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Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 9:42 pm
by Alphawolf
Hey want to learn Asm but first I have a question do i need a computer program to type in asm? If so what program and how do i get it to send to my calculator?

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 10:06 pm
by Madskillz
If you have Windows you can use Notepad or Wordpad, though there are some programs that you can use to add color to your code to make labels our includes standout. I use Notepad and it works just fine for me. You are also going to need a compiler to convert your text into a program...everything you should need to have is in this .zip file: ... 11269.html It is a tutorial for ION which you may find helpful, I found ASM in 28 days to be much better though. But use this .zip to get all the files you need.

Also I recommend checking out ASM in 28 days. is a great tutorial for people just getting into programming and is alot better for 83+/84+ families of calcs.

At first it can seem to all go over your head, and understand that it can be confusing and discouraging, but in the end with the right help and the forums in the community there is plenty of help to answer the questions that you may have.
Also has some helpful ASM tutorials:

edit: also check out the thread right below this called ASM Resource. tifreak8x did a great job on the site and providing links to alot of resources.

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 10:10 pm
by threefingeredguy
You can write ASM programs in hex on the calc, but it is really, really hard. I use this (click) pack to do stuff, but I would reccommend using Latenite because it is better and more comfortable. I am switching to it myself.

EDITL How the hell did I forget this: TIFreak's Assembly Resource full of tutorials and assemblers.

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 10:15 pm
by Liazon
Is Latenite even finished? (by that I mean stable and finished)

@Alphawolf: Welcome to ASM! We are glad you chose this language.

but you have to admit BASIC programmers are amazing in their own respect. I'l never be up their caliber when it comes to BASIC.

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 10:22 pm
by threefingeredguy
Yup, read the latenite topic. The only major bugs are color spillover on newlines and slow loading/parsing of XML tables. It's good to go, seems.

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 10:25 pm
by Liazon
okay, what exactly does that mean? spill overs on newlines... etc.

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 10:33 pm
by threefingeredguy
Syntax coloring would accidentally go on to the next line or something like that. It's fixed in the new version though, so it doesn't matter.


Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 10:44 pm
by DigiTan
Alphawolf wrote:Hey want to learn Asm but first I have a question do i need a computer program to type in asm? If so what program and how do i get it to send to my calculator?
While it doesn't have any flashy, fruity, bells and whistles; DOS edit and/or Notepad is really all you need for an IDE. I basically got started this way:

1. Download TASM from ticalc. This is the part that converts your assembly code into binary.
2. Download the devpack for whatever shell you're going to program for. This is the part that converts the binary to an .8xp file.
3. Download the Virtual TI or PindurTI emulators.
4. Download ROM Dump utility to capture your own ROM to Virtual TI or Pindur. I've heard rumors that TILP already has this function built-in.

...there's a few other tools that come in handy, but these are just the fundamentals.

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 10:49 pm
by Liazon
Does VTI work w/ the cable that somes w/ Ti-89 Titanium. I doubt though. It seems all the good programs were made for the parallel and the black/gray serial ports.

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 10:54 pm
by DigiTan
According to the v2.5 beta, it works on the Gray Graph-link, the Black Graph-Link, the homemade serial, and the homemade parallel. I guess USB support wasn't included at the time (maybe it's in the newer v3.0 alpha).

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 11:28 pm
by Liazon
nope, the Alpha seems to be exclusively Ti-83+(SE) apps

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 11:36 pm
by DigiTan
Oh yeah. What was the name of that other 83+ emulator? The one that could support flash apps? It's on the tip of my keyboard.

Posted: Tue 29 Nov, 2005 11:56 pm
by Jim e
Pindur, tilem, flash debugger

Posted: Wed 30 Nov, 2005 12:01 am
by Timendus
You don't need another emulator when you have PindurTI :)

And Latenite is 100% functional in it's current state. The only downside of it is that it uses TASM as a compiler, but so does the entire community ;) Ben is thinking of switching to WLA-DX, or writing his own compiler for Latenite.

Anyway, I would very much recommend using only Latenite and PindurTI. If you don't want to drown in a sea of folders, source/include files and build scripts that's the way to go.

Posted: Wed 30 Nov, 2005 12:05 am
by CompWiz
So, what are the problems with TASM? What does WLA-DX do better? Just curious. :)