I'm rather glad that I am finally done with this baby. It took me 2 years, though I should mention that I took a lot of breaks between. If I coded it straight away, i guess it took me a week ah well.
Without further delay:
And as a little extra, I included the whole LateNite and EarlyMorning Project Directory. This way, you can open everything and edit it easy as hell. You can even add new levels and recompile it Have fun with it
Thanks to all guys for the support!
Original Post wrote:Yes, more than a year has passed and I'm finally picking up this project again to finish it. Too bad noone else did.
It would be a shame if noone did. And I already started, here are the latest changes:
*Resized the level size, so it can support all the old
slippy levels! Levels are now bigger.
*Slippy can now 'transport' from one side to the another, if
nothing blocks slippy.
*Clear Button is now used for reseting the level.
*Iceblocks will be 'ereased' when moved 'out of ' the level.
*Quit the game with Mode! Yay \o/
*Size: 4359 Bytes
A screenshot of the latest build running in PTI:
And because I am such a nice quy, I will share the build with you:
Beta 1.5 for 83/83+ (ION)
Please report bugs if you find any. The new version has the 5 first levels of the orignal Slippy. Enjoy and feel free to give feedback.