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Posted: Mon 23 May, 2005 7:35 pm
by thecheat
why don't you get the new one?

Posted: Mon 23 May, 2005 7:45 pm
by leofox
Dragonwarrior333 wrote:Kevin are you using the X lib app because that speed is awesome! I cant wait until tr1p1eta (Sorry about the spelling :( ) Also I am curious to why it displays the sprite map after every screen if your not using gray scale. Another thing are you going to have this many little programs like your others or a few bigger ones :?: Also can you give me some stats as to how many monsters, magic, dungeons, towns, items ect....?

But so far this game looks awes:shock:me and looks like it wont dissapoint the Final Fantasy legacy :lol:

Oops sorry Dark for not mentioning you too :x :x :x .
Lol, you could've at least spelled Drak's name right...

Posted: Mon 23 May, 2005 7:49 pm
by DJ_O
thecheat wrote:why don't you get the new one?
because Drak leaves on may 27th and he need the map engine fast, also he doesnt know how to use it yet and xLIB app is extremly complicated to use compared to Omnicalc

Posted: Mon 23 May, 2005 7:52 pm
by Drak Dragon
Kevin are you using the X lib app because that speed is awesome! I cant wait until tr1p1eta (Sorry about the spelling ) Also I am curious to why it displays the sprite map after every screen if your not using gray scale. Another thing are you going to have this many little programs like your others or a few bigger ones Also can you give me some stats as to how many monsters, magic, dungeons, towns, items ect....?

But so far this game looks awes:shock:me and looks like it wont dissapoint the Final Fantasy legacy

Oops sorry Dark for not mentioning you too

[no comment...] ... [/no comment...]

Monsters: so far...2 sprites for them, infidite amounts, probably three types and a boss, or four types, per zone (save for the first area in the game, you just run into "soldier" there, as well as the "commander" first boss)

Yes, it uses a hellazlot of small proggies.. otherwise, when it flashgordons, it would be slow as jesus. Most of the programs not needed all the time are left archived, though, and its already taking about 30kb of arch...

"Magic"? no... "Skills".... :P
Skill List / info

haste / 2tp-level / speed is increased in battle
rage / 2tp-level / attack increased
protect / 2tp-level / defense increased
stun / 1tp-level / opp speed decreased some
weaken / 1tp - level / opp attack down
defbreak / 1tp-level / opp defense down
fireshot / 2tp - level / deals moderate damage
ice stab / 2tp-level / deals fixed damage
lightning / 3 tp - level / for the extra cost, can do either very little, or hellas lot of damage
Healing / 3 tp-level / probably the most used skill, heals a good amount of HP.

You wont really rely on skills much, and "level" of the skill is gained by finding the manuals in accordance for that skill. there are 29 manuals for each skill, ableing you to get to level 30 of the skill.



Quite a few... you revisit the shrines to the elements, visit many other places as well, and do not forget subquests, and the dungeons opened in "Soul Forge" mode..


There are some towns, which have many thigns (and mabey even some less findable things like new equipment, skill books, etc)

There are also travellign "merchants" which i hope to have as randomized to appear in the areas they normally appear in. they will usually sell higher "level" items, such as Hi or X potion.


weapons (each with their own graphic. )
dagger - the base weapon, given to you by the foolish soldier, who you *should have* killed (unless you suck like hell.)

Sword - found later in the game, a generic sword
Mace - spikey, higher damage, and looks pimp
Spear - kinda ugly, but still damaging nonetheless
Broadsword - looks wonderful, hits wonderful
Excalibur - found only near the end of the game, this weapon in the hands of a warrior shall bring forth the light necessary to drive chaos away and restore order to the land... or you could just trade it for a mcdonalds hamburger.

Armors and Boots dont have graphics... and thats probably why i can't remember their names ^-^

Rings: You can select which one you want equipped at the time:

Gold Ring - default, a lame item, and auto-equipped if you are revived with an angel ring

Str Ring - boosts damage by about 25 to 100 points, nothing special

Def Ring - like the abouve, but is defense... i like this a little more than the str ring

Agi ring - like the abouve... more preferrable than the abouves

Life Ring - boosts hps by about 500, NEVER wear it when you have 9999 hp in normal game, or 99,999 hp in Soul forge -- it will drop your MAXHP when you unequip it.

TechRing - like the abouve, never wear it at 99 tp, as it drops your max when unequipped, adds 10 TP while worn, quite a useful item

Regen ring - Good at lower speed levels, it recovers a good amount of hp based on your maxHP, ... lags the game when you have high speed level.

Hero Ring - Quite possibly my favorite ring in the game, when you melee attack, the damage dealt goes to the enemy as normal, but also adds itself to your current EXP!!!! great for fast levelling, especially by going back to the first area in the game... heh.

Angel ring - excellent aganst a hard boss, if you die, it restores you to 1/2 your max HP and unequipps itself. Downside: You have to equip it after every fight.. .and you can't wear it and the hero ring at the same time :(

normal items

Potion - heals 100hp
hi potion - heals 500 hp
X potion - heals 1000 hp
ether - heals 5 tp
hi ether -heals 10 tp
X ether - heals 25 tp
agi gem - boosts speed a little in battle
str gem - boosts attack a little in battle
def gem - boosts defense a little in battle
miracle: Fully recover your HP, TP, and if your agi or def or str is below your normal value, it restores it! also cures poison, mute, confuse, and stun (not stun really, because you can't use it when stunned)

Monster skills

A hell of a lot of them, as the monsters all have their own combat skills.

Posted: Mon 23 May, 2005 7:57 pm
by thecheat't.....sta...Image

looks good though

300 POSTS!!!!!! YAY!!!!! 8)

Posted: Mon 23 May, 2005 8:03 pm
by dysfunction
Wow, lots of features! The way an rpg should be.

Posted: Mon 23 May, 2005 9:52 pm
by merthsoft
Will there be multiple ways of answering someone, that could change the way they think of you, or maybe merchants have little side quests that can give you discounts (I think the later would be easier to implement)...

Posted: Mon 23 May, 2005 10:54 pm
by Drak Dragon
Merthsoft wrote:Will there be multiple ways of answering someone, that could change the way they think of you, or maybe merchants have little side quests that can give you discounts (I think the later would be easier to implement)...

most definetly ^-^

Posted: Mon 23 May, 2005 11:23 pm
by merthsoft

Posted: Tue 24 May, 2005 12:33 am
by necro
Are all batles rand encounters...or are some based on wether a enemy on the map can see you?

Posted: Tue 24 May, 2005 12:35 am
by Drak Dragon
There are random battles, as well as some "scripted" ones which you will _ALWAYS_ encounter, eg bosses, minibosses, "Ambushers"

Posted: Tue 24 May, 2005 2:06 am
by necro
Well, it could alow for some neat stealth puzzles if their were enemies on the map screen that attack you if they 'see' you...especialy if the enemies are way stronger than would add some interesting game play and stealth elements


Posted: Tue 24 May, 2005 11:40 pm
by Drak Dragon
Curious about the game, want to learn more, or even try it??? YOU might want to ---- DE PORNITIZED ---- Click*here*

Posted: Tue 24 May, 2005 11:47 pm
by Toaster
Whats up with those links one leads to a porn site??? luckly it asked me if I was older than 18. :P

Posted: Wed 25 May, 2005 12:11 am
by Drak Dragon
Toaster wrote:Whats up with those links one leads to a porn site??? luckly it asked me if I was older than 18. :P

wtf? porn sites? the first link is fake, the second one takes you to a site about PC mice, and the third last word is the actual link