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Posted: Sat 06 Aug, 2005 8:28 pm
by coelurus
DA; you should seriously consider cooling down. Your "displays of irrational bursts of negative energy" aren't making anybody happy. If active members like Spooner have to apologize for asking rather appropriate questions, what will newcomers that have read the top-most non-pinned thread in this section think about asking things on these forums?

Try PM'ing next time, please.

Posted: Sun 07 Aug, 2005 3:26 am
by Spooner
When you said you had a tiny dude series it somewhat implied that there was a game possibly. I thought all the animations were for a game. Thats why I should just ask.

Just wondering what is your tiny dude series is it just a bunch of little short animations?

Posted: Sun 07 Aug, 2005 4:15 am
by lloydkirk1989
This is rather amusing...

The screenshot reveals that there is a tiny dude(possibly in the making?). DA just isn't ready to share it...yet. A simple misunderstanding.

I meant this Image screen shoot.

Posted: Sun 07 Aug, 2005 9:09 am
by DarkAuron
I've been rather emo lately.. don't know why. *sigh* I deeply apologize and I hope my mood improves.. :upsetsurprised:

I thought about the idea of making a game but didn't want to do it, so leofox started messing with stuff and showed me a screenshot, so then I tried making one and showed what I had. Nothing much to it really.

And Lloyd, I want to have a talk with you on AIM about GraphiTI... I suggest checking your email. :ninja:

Posted: Sun 07 Aug, 2005 5:43 pm
by threefingeredguy
I may regret saying this, but i go downtown and treaten emos with baseball bats cause i hate them so much. If i know them, im ok with them (well only a few of them) but the ones i dont know or know but dont like (which is most of them) i mess with. hooray for ska!

Posted: Mon 08 Aug, 2005 1:29 pm
by dysfunction
......I don't think that's exactly what DA meant.

Posted: Mon 08 Aug, 2005 3:30 pm
by threefingeredguy
lol i know.


da thanks for letting me use your tiny dude sprites. i used standing, walking, modified jumping for climbing, kicking for jumping (like a jump kick), melting when you die, and bowing when you finish a level. i also may use the rest of them in a animated credits sequence when you beat it. like at the and of the movie when theres credits set to rock and roll music and theres little clips of the hero kicking and punching and stuff in the background. im gonna do that. bitch.

Posted: Sat 13 Aug, 2005 11:00 pm
by threefingeredguy
hey da i can write an asm prog for you (altho im pretty sure you knw asm) that reads in the value of a and displays the Ath sprite at x and y. or maybe like an xLib get answer format {spritenum,x,y:Asm(TSPRITES

do you want something like that?

Posted: Sat 13 Aug, 2005 11:06 pm
by DarkAuron
No thanks. If I wanted to use asm I'd make it myself, and if I do stuff in basic I do it pure. But thanks for offer. :)