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Posted: Tue 12 Jun, 2007 3:21 am
by Delnar_Ersike
Damn, drawing a 16x16 fire sprite is harder than you think... :x

Posted: Tue 12 Jun, 2007 5:22 am
by Dwedit
If in doubt, enlarge the Bubble Bobble 83 fire sprite :) I think it turned out okay for an 8x8 sprite.

Posted: Wed 13 Jun, 2007 1:24 am
by crzyrbl
I agree, fire is one of the harder things one can draw in monochrome.

Posted: Sat 16 Jun, 2007 1:36 am
by ProphetsDementia
Okay, I have written 11 pages of notes for this fricking game. Can someone inspire me to actually begin writing it by making a title screen or giving me a tiny inspirational speech?

Posted: Sat 16 Jun, 2007 5:39 pm
by Delnar_Ersike
OK, I finally put together a title screen after hours of accidental ClrDraw's :roll: , but I think there are people out there who can do a better job. Here it is anyway (I don't know how to post an attachment, however):

Posted: Sat 16 Jun, 2007 5:52 pm
by crzyrbl
Cool, is the third one from the left based on an enemy from Kirby?

Posted: Sun 17 Jun, 2007 12:01 am
by Halifax
Hey Delnar that's a great picture. I just thought there could be a little more action added to it. So I tried working of yours intstead of making my own(since I am not good at spriting title screens).


Posted: Wed 20 Jun, 2007 2:16 am
by ProphetsDementia
Thanks for the pictures. They are all nice but I need some that are a litle bit complex yet are clean.

(I refuse to let this topic die.)

Posted: Wed 20 Jun, 2007 4:59 pm
by Delnar_Ersike
Well, you could do one of the following things with the title screen.
  1. Forget about it for now. Right now, the most important things need to be coded (like battles as such), not a title screen.
  2. Forget about it completely. Games can still be playable and great without a title screen. For example, I don't think TVF, Pinball, or Desolate had title screens.
  3. Use one of our suggestions for now. You can go back and edit it later once the main part of the game is done.
  4. Use one of our suggestions and edit it. After all, we don't know you expectations and we have already done our best and given you some pretty good 16x16 sprites for the elements.
  5. Use one of our suggestions. Only do this if you absolutely must have a title screen right now in the demo and you are absolutely bad at any type of pixel art.
Just my 2 cents...

Posted: Wed 20 Jun, 2007 5:01 pm
by ProphetsDementia
I guess I could.
But, the game looks so pretty with one made. :x

Posted: Wed 20 Jun, 2007 5:10 pm
by Halifax
Yeah really that's a problem I find is what Delnar said.

You didn't specify even a hint of what to put on there. That's why I just used Delnar's since I didn't feel like trying to think of my own.(Too lazy).

Anyways if you throw more detailed information our way about what you want then maybe something good can be done.

Posted: Wed 20 Jun, 2007 5:16 pm
by ProphetsDementia
Okay, then.

Elementz (like the logo Delnar made minus the sprites) on the left side of the screen centered. It should be small enough to fit a graphical menu on the other side. The elements that Halifax enhanced should be a tad smaller kind of underlining the logo.
My business copyright at the bottom left ((c) 2007 Dementia Media) and a blackened semi-circle where the menu should be.

There you go. Have fun.