Aura maps by Dysfunction colorized

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Aura maps by Dysfunction colorized

Post by DJ_O »

So I was bored and got reminded of this old project by Dysfunction, last updated in Early 2006 and obviously never finished:

Image ... deas/aura/

so I decided to rip the 5 shown maps out of the animated GIF then tried to colorize them. I also corrected a few mistakes such as misplaced walkway tiles and removed gaps between maps (since the last row of pixels was missing), although in a rather crude way. This is the result, with the original monochrome version shown first:


I believe that Dysfunction used tiles from Star Ocean for the SNES that he converted, but each map were generated with 3 pics containing a 96x24 tilemap each, so the game contained about 255 pics and was 84+/SE-only.

I wouldn't recommend using maps this complex in a calculator game, but I was bored and thought I would give this a shot at colorizing, plus this might bring back some memories to older members. I guess that chunks of those maps could be used for tiles, but you would probably have to give credits to Dysfunction and Enix in the process too.
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Re: Aura maps by Dysfunction colorized

Post by tr1p1ea »

Wow looks awesome DJ :).

Tech demo?
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Re: Aura maps by Dysfunction colorized

Post by dysfunction »

Haha! Sorry for digging up an old thread, but I got a bit of nostalgia and googled my name on this forum (somehow I still remember my old account details), only to see I was mentioned so recently.

Yep, a lot of the tiles are ripped from Star Ocean iirc, a few other things in there too, and some original stuff (smaller percentage of original art than in my other abandoned projects, but at that point I was more focused on getting an engine running than art).

The plan for having such ridiculously complex maps was storing them as pics, with matrices storing bounding boxes for collision detection and separate sprites for any objects drawn above the character (like the arch in that gif).

I still feel bad about never finishing anything :( Surprised to see some familiar faces still around.

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Re: Aura maps by Dysfunction colorized

Post by DJ_O »

Hey nice to see you again. I also remember Ender's Game and then the other strategy game after you scrapped Ender's Game but I forgot the name. I forgot if Aura used xLIB, but I did remember about the chunk of pictures trick for maps. IIRC you planned 255 pics, so the game wouldn't have fit on a regular 83+.

It's a good thing that the color TI-84+ model has xLIBC and Celtic2CSE, because in TI-BASIC, a TI-84+CSE picture takes close to 22 KB of archive, so you can only fit about 160 hacked pics on it at once (the calculator has 21 KB of RAM and 3.5 MB of archive). With xLIBC and Celtic2CSE sprites you save a considerable amount of space (per color calc standards of course).

Also yeah some of the older members still pop in every now and then and tr1p1ea is still nearly regularly active on most calc forums, although they are relatively rare lol. I can think of ISUCK, who still visit from time to time. Most people on other forums stop frequenting calc forums after like 2 years, although they sometimes re-appear after years of inactivity.
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Re: Aura maps by Dysfunction colorized

Post by tr1p1ea »

Hey dysfunction! Good to see you :).

I remember this demo well and it really did show that ASM assisted BASIC could look really awesome.

Its seriously hard to tell if thats and ASM screenshot or not.

Either way, i hope you are keeping well in rl and stuff :).
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