http://www.omnimaga.org/other-calc-rela ... deas/aura/
so I decided to rip the 5 shown maps out of the animated GIF then tried to colorize them. I also corrected a few mistakes such as misplaced walkway tiles and removed gaps between maps (since the last row of pixels was missing), although in a rather crude way. This is the result, with the original monochrome version shown first:

I believe that Dysfunction used tiles from Star Ocean for the SNES that he converted, but each map were generated with 3 pics containing a 96x24 tilemap each, so the game contained about 255 pics and was 84+/SE-only.
I wouldn't recommend using maps this complex in a calculator game, but I was bored and thought I would give this a shot at colorizing, plus this might bring back some memories to older members. I guess that chunks of those maps could be used for tiles, but you would probably have to give credits to Dysfunction and Enix in the process too.