Yeah I am, but Sometimes I still go here around once per week, in case a new project pop up or get finished. Also I wanted to chnage my email address to my gmail one. I dunno why I am still UTI member though (my Kevin name is blue when I log in)
Well I wasnt really staff at UTI, just UTI member ship. They have a bit more privilege than regular members I think. I used to have 10 MB of webspace here to host my website (I cant realize that Omnimaga ever was under 9 MB, whil;e it is now 30 MB O_O). Actually the two only group I got staff in are EPS and z80 revelation
Hey everyone...yeah, I haven't been here for quite a while. I've started college - majoring in electrical engineering - and got a job programming last summer, and I just really haven't been motivated to make another game. I actually don't even use my 83+ anymore; I have an 89T now, but I have no clue how to program it. It is nice for school though. So I doubt that I will make another calculator game anytime soon. I really enjoyed making Trapped...It was a great experience and I learned a lot about assembly programming. It was more of a learning process for me than simply the desire to make a game.
So I guess this is goodbye. Sorry for joining and then only making one game. I think it's great how you all are still enjoying doing this. I just checked out the front page and it looks awesome. Good luck and have fun on all of your current and future projects.
Use TIGCC and learn 68k ASM through any number of books. look in the system reference thingy to look up 89 ROM calls and other hardware specifics. Or learn C.