how to make a website

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Post by CompWiz »

Yes, but it works. :)
Sounds like what I do.
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Post by thecheat »

TR1p, sorry about the font, didn't relize it was too small... test test ok, it's just a little small, I'll keep that in mind, though, why does the tiny option still exist?

I'll have to look at some of those sites/guides later, this may prove to be interesting, I'll reveal that the reason I WANT to do something like this is for the main reason of sometime I'd like to make a store, or something of the such (perhaps a website like xinventions where it's loaded with all sorts of goodies) and have a chance to share some of the cool info with others. For the store, I know that would be challenging (or trying to get parts from the factory skipping the pricey middle man) but, it would mainly be for earning a few bucks and making a little profit as I don't have to live off the money for a few years. :wink:

that's probably dreaming, so, I'll try to look at that, another thing, how do you make a forum (scratch) any perticular pattern? or is that a bit over my head? Also, how do you make the web pages look fancy (pictures) but not clog up the compy? I know that's gotta be a pain for web site makers yet they seem to get around it.
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Post by KevinJB »

Heh. The only things I don't code in notepad are java (JCreator) and C / C++ (Dev-C++) and obviously any VB stuff (eww!)
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Post by anykey »

I rate myself pretty highly.
I do all of my coding in a text editor, and use no form of software that generates code. All of my code is W3C compliant, and renders well in most browsers.

Don't use WYSIWYG editors! The code they generate is usually sloppy, not standards compliant, and won't work with all browsers!
If you're going to make a website, make sure you're using the right tools.
HTML is definently worth the effort to learn, and besides it's easy!
Above all I recommend just learning it (and CSS!).
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Post by thecheat »

ok, so basicly, what is the BEST code type for a website, and where do I learn it?

PS: oh, and the poll wasn't about coding but, it still works out, I meant it as a funny :P as the IQ in negitive is a pretty temping choice :lol:
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Post by CompWiz »

CompWiz wrote:If you want to learn HTML, webmonkey has some nice guides and cheatsheets for learning it.
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Post by benryves »

For a decent free editor, there's PHP Designer 2005 (oh? 2006 is out in beta? Nice).
For a better editor, there's always Visual Web Developer Express (free), but it's more geared towards the lucky ASP.NET developers. *kicks PHP*
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Post by currahee »

Don't forget Mozilla's composer is a WYSIWYG editor. As for Frontpage, all I know is that Frontpage 2003 writes less crap in the code than Frontpage XP.

But since I suck at any artistic work I just use Fantastico and have it install PHPNuke *feels noobish*
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Post by thecheat »

wait, what's the stuff you listed Ben? I'm not familiar with the terms yet so I'm going to need some help. Oh, and just to mention, if it doesn't work with firefox, I don't want to mess with it! :twisted:

Here I go... *takes a look at the webmonkey site*
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Post by lloydkirk1989 » is kind of dumb in my oppinion. It only works on windows servers and firefox doesn't like it. And it means more money for bill... :P
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Post by thecheat »

ok, so what does work with firefox?
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Post by benryves »

lloydkirk1989 is kind of dumb in my oppinion. It only works on windows servers and firefox doesn't like it. And it means more money for bill... :P is serverside, so yes, you need an server. Which does sort of hint Windows, but maybe mono can get some way towards supporting it? I don't know how good mono is, myself.
I've not had a single issue with sites inside Opera (I use a few C# sites that are, the JavaScript some people use haven't affected anything, as far as I can see). As it is mainly server-side, most stuff should work in any browser in any case.
If you're doing web dev, Opera is probably a better browser to use than Firefox for the invaluable HTML debugger views. Of course, test in Firefox and IE as well!
PHP is another server-side scripting language. It is really quite horrible, but it is free to use.
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Post by coelurus »


Afaik, the only problem with isn't the language itself, it's what runs it :) That includes "alternatives".
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Post by KevinJB »

PHP > ALL { Serverside scripts }
XHTML && CSS > ALL { Page Layout }

Learn HTML 4.0.1 first, so you can try it on your computer without needing a webhost. I reccomend or . Later, once you understand how HTML works, make the switch to CSS - You'll love it, and you'll never turn back :D. In the meanwhile, make your HTML clean, it'll help with the switch to XHTML. Waaayyy down the line you'll want to learn PHP, and possibly MySQL (That's right Ben, I told him PHP was better than ASP!). But that'll be alot later.

Here's an explanation:

HTML 4.0.1 (or just HTML) :: Hyper Text Markup Language
This isn't really a lanuage, but a set of tags that defines how your webpage is displayed in a browser.

XHTML :: Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language
This is like HTML, but really strict. For example, all tags (tags are like bbcode, but use < > instead of [ ]... sort of) must be in lowercase, and other considerations.

CSS :: Cascading Style Sheets
Use this with XHTML to have incredible control over how your page looks. If you're using Firefox, here's something cool to show you just how heavily some pages depend on CSS: Click 'View' -> 'Page Style' -> 'No Style'. Most high-end sites will look pretty funky, for example google. Depending on which type of XHTML they use, the site will look better or worse (not fancy, but in terms of readablity)

PHP :: Hypertext Preprocessor
Where'd the beginning P come from? Who knows. Basically, when you have php pages in a server (pages that end with *.php and not *.html) the server interrupts the pages as code. In the code, you echo out html to decide how the page looks. PHP can also do fancy stuff like send emails (from html forms), and connect to databases. To top it off, it's 100% free and very efficient and fast. Look up in your address bar, see after 'maxcoderz/phpBB2/' you see a page like 'posting' or 'index' followed by '.php'? The Maxcoderz Forum uses php. :: A Stupid Program-thingy
Honestly, I really /don't/ know what it stands for. I think it has something to do with Activer Server Pages, but that could be wrong. This is Microsofts attempt to mimic PHP, and is essentially the same thing. And now for the biased description: Although I've never known it to not work in Firefox, apparently it doesn't (although browser shouldn't matter... hmm) but I wouldn't be so quick to believe that. I /do/ know that alot of experienced dev'ers say it's horribly efficient and is the source of many headaches. To top it off, it costs money. And then, if you want to add more features (like emailing), that's even /more/ money. Besides that, I've never really known much about it. Someone else can give you the details.

MySQL :: My Structured Query Language
Mouthful, huh? MySQL is a database language, basically you use it to interact with databases. This forum uses MySQL. Use this with PHP to make interactive webpages.
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Post by CoBB »

Rezek wrote:PHP > ALL { Serverside scripts }
PHP is one of my most hated languages. It does everything to help you do lousy work.
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