save bug

Moderator: Kozak

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save bug

Post by hello »

Whenever I quit the game (using the menu its the only way to exit)- I try to get back to the game it says my chapter isnot correct but I did not do anything- I read your 'errors' page and this is not one of those cases. This happens to me more than once- and I have to start all over- Can you help me or make a bugfix? my email is
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Post by DJ_O »

Did you have more than one chapter on your calc? The first time I played I had all the 7 chapters on my calc (the first one was unarchived) and whe n I quitted the game and re-entered the game I got yhis error too.

Kozak should look at this and he should also fix the keep missing bug too. :?
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Post by Kozak »

Hmmm I can see a possibility with all chapters on calc which I never thought of. Sharp thinking Kevin! Ofcourse I am trying to fix all bugs but the ones that don't pop up on every calc are hard to fix because they are 'imaginary' for me.
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Post by DarkAuron »

not yet have I had a problem with TVF; I have all 7 chapters on my calc and it loads just fine; same with my two friends' calcs, they work just fine with all 7 on there.
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