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Re: Hi
A few people still check in here from time to time but I'd say Cemetech seems to be about the most active calculator-adjacent website these days. That does sound fun and a useful and interesting project you've been spending time on. :) I find having programming for work rather saps my energy for it ...
Re: Hi
Hello cjgone.
Glad to hear you're still around! Have you been up to anything interesting recently?

- Wed 08 Nov, 2023 1:46 pm
- Forum: Staff Side Projects & Featured Projects
- Topic: [Staff][Demo] Metroid Infinity
- Replies: 39
- Views: 239014
Re: [Staff][Demo] Metroid Infinity
Nice to see those sprites back in action again, and GB Studio looks like a neat way to put a game together too (though I do wonder whether such fast action would be visible on an original "pea soup" Game Boy!) Very cool work. 

- Tue 17 Oct, 2023 2:58 pm
- Forum: Staff Side Projects & Featured Projects
- Topic: [Staff] TIWiFiModem: Take your TI-83 Plus online
- Replies: 3
- Views: 71966
Re: [Staff] TIWiFiModem: Take your TI-83 Plus online
Cheers, tr1p1ea! It's mostly putting together a few bits and pieces other people had already written, but I'd always wanted to play with getting a calculator online. 

- Tue 01 Aug, 2023 1:53 pm
- Forum: Announce Your Projects
- Topic: First Fantasy II: Pokéwalrus (brown version)
- Replies: 1
- Views: 50911
Re: First Fantasy II: Pokéwalrus (brown version)
Very nice work there, DJ_O, thank you for sharing that. 

- Sun 02 Apr, 2023 9:55 pm
- Forum: Latenite, Brass and EarlyMorning
- Topic: Brass - update [06/02/2014]
- Replies: 300
- Views: 559470
Re: Brass - update [06/02/2014]
Brass is now open source and hosted on GitHub: I've been loath to touch the code since switching development efforts over to Brass 3 as it was not very well written in the first place (it was my first project in C#) and I never used source control so didn't want to ...
- Sun 26 Mar, 2023 5:58 pm
- Forum: Staff Side Projects & Featured Projects
- Topic: [Staff] TIWiFiModem: Take your TI-83 Plus online
- Replies: 3
- Views: 71966
[Staff] TIWiFiModem: Take your TI-83 Plus online
Ever since I first saw Telnet83+ I was intrigued with the idea of taking a calculator online, but never had the equipment (dial-up modem, phone line and "graylink" serial cable) to make it all work. Fortunately you can now get inexpensive WiFi-enabled microcontroller modules and there are several ...
- Mon 29 Aug, 2022 11:27 pm
- Forum: Off Topic
- Topic: Where did everyone go?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 93285
Re: Where did everyone go?
Hi Patori, good to see you're still around and I hope you're well! I work as a web developer but still dabble with programming older Z80 systems and hacking around with electronics for fun when I have the opportunity. Sadly I haven't done much on the calculator front for a long time after my TI-83 ...
- Wed 15 Sep, 2021 1:56 pm
- Forum: Announce Your Projects
- Topic: Darkblasters: A new graphical 84+/SE RPG written in TI-BASIC
- Replies: 5
- Views: 117064
Re: Darkblasters: A new graphical 84+/SE RPG written in TI-BASIC
That looks great! Very nice work and it's always impressive to see the creative ways you're able to make the most of the calculator's capabilities. 

- Sat 07 Aug, 2021 10:37 pm
- Forum: Nostromo
- Topic: Source code release and "Demo 8".
- Replies: 2
- Views: 89067
Source code release and "Demo 8".
I've dug around the dustier corners of my hard disk drive and uploaded the source code for this project to After transferring to GitHub I cloned the project locally and tried building it; I was able to compile "Demo 8" which is a minor bugfix from the generally ...
- Wed 17 Feb, 2021 11:52 pm
- Forum: Off Topic
- Topic: COVID-19 - Check-in
- Replies: 10
- Views: 93026
Re: COVID-19 - Check-in
Long time no see, currahee, hope you've been well! My girlfriend's an optometrist and so also had her first jab last week (Pfizer) but only had a sore arm for a day or so afterwards. It's the people I know who've had the AstraZeneca one that seem to be more prone to feeling unwell afterwards, but ...
- Fri 24 Jan, 2020 1:05 pm
- Forum: Mode 7 Engine
- Topic: TI-84+CE Mode 7 Engine development
- Replies: 18
- Views: 210077
Re: TI-84+CE Mode 7 Engine development
That's looking great, tr1p1ea, can't wait to see how it turns out! :) Would it be revealing your secrets too much to describe the algorithm you're using? I'm interested in how the resolution drops as you get further down the screen - is that a limitation of the algorithm or a concession to ...
- Fri 17 Jan, 2020 6:42 am
- Forum: Off Topic
- Topic: The void of space ...
- Replies: 11
- Views: 94463
Re: The void of space ...
Nice to see that you've compiled what you had into an interesting repository, Timendus. :) Thank you for sharing that! I do like BBC BASIC (generally, not so much my calculator version) but in retrospect it was a poor fit for the TI calculator. It feels too much like a "computer" BASIC and needs a ...
- Fri 03 Jan, 2020 4:12 pm
- Forum: Off Topic
- Topic: The void of space ...
- Replies: 11
- Views: 94463
Re: The void of space ...
Love the screenshot, DJ_O! :lol: Good to hear you're still around Timendus! :) Unfortunately I can't help with Vera and the only files I can find on my hard disk are a few test XML files output by veradoc and a screenshot of the SVN repository, sorry. I'm glad tr1p1ea was able to recover something ...
Re: Hi all
Ben, I'm unconvinced by your excuse as calculators are cheap on ebay! :-) (Still amazed that the ancient ti-83, which costs almost nothing to produce still goes for $100+... Talk about a cash cow for TI!) Oh, all right then, you convinced me. :) I hope you got your commission from the seller ...