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What does your username mean?

Posted: Wed 05 Jan, 2005 8:57 am
by kv83
I was kinda curious where you guys got your usernames... I mean... it's quite obvious that in some usernames hints or other things are hidden. :roll:

I'll start. Mine is quite boring. My name is Klaas Vincent and I am born in 1983... take the first letters of the names and the last two numbers of my birthyear and you get kv83 ... it's quite a unique combination btw. Everywhere where I register the name isn't taken :twisted: ... and no it doesn't have something to do with 'kev' or 'kevin' as some may think :roll:

Posted: Wed 05 Jan, 2005 11:26 am
by teoryn
Mines just a name I liked from a random fantasy name gnerator, which just so happens to not be used by anyone else, and no, I don't know how to pronounce it.

Posted: Wed 05 Jan, 2005 11:30 am
by Duck
Mine is one I've had for a very long time. I think it started when I played my first multiplayer games (doom, warcraft 1) over a network, maybe 12 years ago. I was a fan of Donald Duck in that time.

Posted: Wed 05 Jan, 2005 11:42 am
by kv83
Duck wrote:I think it started when I played my first multiplayer games (doom, warcraft 1) over a network, maybe 12 years ago.
Hehe... I still remember the good old time I played Doom Multiplayer with a Null-modem cable :P

Posted: Wed 05 Jan, 2005 2:15 pm
by Kozak
Kozak is a Unreal Tournament character. It isn't my first used nickname, but it's my longest used one.

Posted: Wed 05 Jan, 2005 2:57 pm
by CoBB

Posted: Wed 05 Jan, 2005 5:24 pm
by L-Man
well my name is Larry, and one of my friends called me L Man (L from Larry) one day and it stuck and i use it as a username now :D


Posted: Wed 05 Jan, 2005 8:17 pm
by blueskies
I used to have this poster above my desk (I think I took a picture of it in the last 'what does your username mean' thread) from my favorite band in high school, the Ataris. The CD was called 'Blue skies, broken 12 exits', and had a picture of a sign that said blue skies. The sign is for a motel or trailer park in santa barbara, which is where the band is from and where I live now. So...there you go, the story of blueskies. I looked up, saw the sign and picked my username. ;)

Posted: Wed 05 Jan, 2005 8:44 pm
by Mortal-God
My username is one that has stuck for quite a long time and with the exception of AIM i have always been able to get the name. It came about around 6 or so years ago. I had just bought Starcraft and was trying to come up with a really cool sounding name. I decided in some fashion or another I wanted to call myself a god. But just the name god was too simple and I didn't want something stupid sounding like game god, so I soon came up with the name immortal-god but that was just to redundant and decided that Mortal-God was not only easier to say but was also more intriguing. At the time I was like ha, you can't be both mortal and god, but I am... I have since decided that many believe Jesus to have been just that, so now usually as a short answer for what my name means I just say that I am the second comming :) . What a little heathen I was even back then.

Posted: Wed 05 Jan, 2005 8:59 pm
by CalcKing
Well... despite what it may look like, I don't feel superior to everyone in the calculator community. I first used the name "King" when I played Age of Empires with my brother. I then used it in other games I played, and when I became interested in TI calculators I just typed in "CalcKing" on ticalc. :roll:

So, don't be bothered by my nickname, since names don't really mean anything. :wink:

Posted: Thu 06 Jan, 2005 12:15 am
by currahee
I've had others, this one currahee I got from reading Band of Brothers (not the HBO show which is based on it. Though the HBO Mini series is awesome :twisted: ).
Currahee was the 101st Airborne Easy Company warcry I believe. It's indian (American Indian) fer "We stand alone together"... kinna doesn't make sense but at the same time sounds good :)

Posted: Thu 06 Jan, 2005 12:28 am
by VahnRPG
Wow, you were born in 83, too? Whew, now I don't feel so old ^^'

Anyway, Vahn is from Legend of Legaia, one of my favorite games (as you can see in MtSQuest and other works) and I just added RPG to it.
I have another I go by, Mr. Bushido. I got that from One Piece, around the time they pick up Vivi and she calls Zoro 'Mr. Bushidou'. So, frequently you can see my MSN name as "Ore ha MISTER Bushido'.

Posted: Thu 06 Jan, 2005 3:00 pm
by leofox
I don't really know what it means, i just typed it in once when chatting on the fox kids website (a long time ago). That's where fox comes from. I just kept it cuz it's kewl. the name isn't taken on most forums, but it is on hotmail and gmail.

Posted: Thu 06 Jan, 2005 8:30 pm
by merthsoft
I used to really be into Dragon Ball, and my name then was Gokain (made up character), but when I got some friends together, and started a small (now long gone) programing group I wanted a name. Well, my mom always used Mearth, for Mother Earth, and I liked the sound (since it sounds like "mirth" meaning happy), but not the spelling, so I changed it to Merth, and then I strapped on "soft", like Microsoft, or SoftDisk, and there you go. As I became less interested in Dragon Ball, I started to use Merthsoft, which I have never encountered before as used on any forum, email, or sign-up type site.
I know use Merthsoft Creations for myself, and my friend when he makes something.

@kv83 & VahnRPG: 1983 wasn't that long ago, no need to feel old, I was born only five years afterwards...

@blueskies: You must have graduated semi-recently, the Ataris havn't been around too long... have they?

Posted: Thu 06 Jan, 2005 9:04 pm
by VahnRPG
Then you're about as old as my lil brother?! Aw man!