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RPG Expert Mode

Posted: Sat 28 May, 2005 12:22 am
by DigiTan
I'm seeking some advice for an RPG. I'm almost done with the Robot War project. The final thing I want to do is finish the "expert mode" feature for players who have finished the game with the top ranking of Ω.

My question is: what other feature(s) should I add to it?

In a nutshell, if beat the game with a top ranking, you can start all over but you retain your warriors and their stats. Everything else is reset (quests, allies, money, items, etc.). Since you can your team in 2-player battle too, players can rack up some pretty impressive bragging rights if they unlock the secrets.

So far, expert mode unlocks the top-secret "Warlord Class" of bots, but I want to add one more hidden feature to add some mystery. Most importantly I want to do this in a way that doesn't introduce a mess of new code or graphics, and this may be easier than it sounds. Here are some sample ideas I've been goofing around with...

New Warrior Type

I might add an "ice" element to the five existing bot elements at a cost of around 150 bytes. A "shadow" element would make a nice compliment to the existing "light/laser" element.

New Item Behavior

We could change the rules of certain items to have them to remain in effect for more than one turn. It could add a lot of strategy to long 2-player matches. I was saving this idea for a "Robot War 2" but is still doable today.

New Special Attack

Robot War 2 planned an attack called "Nova Σ" that was so damaging, it could prevent a bot from even being revived. It also planned a variation of 'teleport' that would let you escape the entire battle if things got too hairy, since there's no retreat option.

Anyway, I'm open to all ideas so any questions or advice is encouraged. If you want to check the latest game rules, this is the info page.

Posted: Tue 31 May, 2005 10:53 am
by Kozak
I want to say something useful but I haven't played the game since it's for the TI-82 or is there an 'underground' version for the TI-83 aswell?

Posted: Tue 31 May, 2005 1:35 pm
by leofox
I want to say something useful but I haven't played the game since it's for the TI-82 or is there an 'underground' version for the TI-83 aswell?
wow, what a useless post.

and i don't think that digitan released a version for any calc yet.

Posted: Tue 31 May, 2005 1:59 pm
by kv83
leofox wrote:
I want to say something useful but I haven't played the game since it's for the TI-82 or is there an 'underground' version for the TI-83 aswell?
wow, what a useless post.

and i don't think that digitan released a version for any calc yet.
There are a couple of beta's for the TI-82, aswell as some posts stating he was 'thinking' of porting it to TI-83. So Kozak's post seemed more usefull than you may think :)

In fact, I am also intrested. Are there any plans for the TI-83?

Posted: Tue 31 May, 2005 2:02 pm
by CoBB
It shouldn't be hard considering that the 83 is much more assembly friendly than the 82.

DigiTan: I tried the demo, but the lack of weapons/items/goodies makes it really boring. Diversity is a must, but you'll have to be careful not to ruin the balance.

Posted: Tue 31 May, 2005 2:28 pm
by DJ_O
Hmm I didnt knew there was a demo, I should try to visit UTI more I guess

Posted: Sat 04 Jun, 2005 9:04 am
by DigiTan
Yep, a lot of new weapons, armor, items, and hidden features have been added now. The battle engine can "fit" 2 more items, 1 more armor, and lots more attacks than it's supporting right now. Also, I'm making level-ups happen more frequenty, so the 1st level is no longer a half-hour slugfest. :lol: My site hasn't been updated in a while, but this page is reasonably up-to-date, except the rules for some armors have changed.

After taking to UTI, I decided to either add a 2nd ending, new weapons/attacks, or trickier AI. I'm leaning toward AI and the ending. A few more initial items would make things interesting too.

Posted: Sat 30 Jul, 2005 6:15 am
by crzyrbl
wow, this looks complicated for a ti game :D and fun