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Posted: Sun 20 Mar, 2005 8:48 pm
by Jim e
well the 83 shouldn't have as much hardware as the 83 plus, but alot is interchangable. Michaels port reference has been invauble source.

and far as the other ports go, the reason its mirrored so much is that is because some port numbers are masked so writing to $90 might be the same as $10. But i don't for sure how it works on the 83.

and then theres what I wrote interrupts

Posted: Mon 21 Mar, 2005 6:12 am
by CoBB
No, MV's port reference doesn't apply to the 83s. Unfortunately your findings neither.

The port mask for the 83 is $0x17, i. e. bits 7, 6, 5 and 3 do not matter. Also there are weird things that no emulator can reproduce, e. g. you can swap the RAM pages in at 0x4000 as well on the 83 (not that it's practical, but it definitely works).

I want it to be exact so programs crash the same way. I often had problems that something worked in an emulator and choke the real hardware.

Posted: Mon 21 Mar, 2005 6:43 am
by Jim e
I know the inputs and outputs are different but i would think that atleast the timings would be alike.

Well, anyway, I really like how closely you emulating the lcd driver. That should be the same for all models below the 84.

To bad MV's port refernce didn't work out, I don't know of any other info like it.

I wish I still had my 83. Anyone got a cheap one they want to sell. Though I think I might want an 84 more.

Posted: Mon 21 Mar, 2005 5:01 pm
by pacHa
port 10 used like here, or like this :
;Déplace l'écran vericalement à l'aide des touches
;Par Eric Piel en Juillet 98
;The scroll function is explain in the 'ports-82.txt' written by Mattias Lindqvist & Dines Justesen
;in port 10h send how many lines to scroll up and add 40h.


.db "BougEcran",0

ld b,0
call GET_KEY
ret z
dec a ;YES, IT IS
jr z,down
cp G_UP-1
jr nz,key
inc b
jr move
dec b

ld a,b
and %00111111 ;mod 64
add a,40h
out ($10),a
call $7F3
jr key

Posted: Mon 21 Mar, 2005 5:23 pm
by CoBB
I'm working off directly the T6A04A reference. Anyway, the implementation of Z-index is a single addition... Also, unlike VTI, you can use the whole 120x64 pixels big internal memory of the LCD.

Posted: Mon 21 Mar, 2005 5:33 pm
by Jim e
So then whats the next addition?
I'm reallly impressed with the little touches you've added so far, I just wish I programed for the 83.

Posted: Mon 21 Mar, 2005 6:07 pm
by CoBB
There are some behind-the-scene modifications that will allow running two emulations simultaneously. These will be possible to connect through a virtual link, but unlike VTI this will be a raw link. I'll also add preliminary support for the 82, because it's almost the same as the 83 as far as I know. Oh, and I intend to add animated gif outputting capability, right from the box.

Posted: Mon 21 Mar, 2005 6:19 pm
by Jim e
CoBB wrote:There are some behind-the-scene modifications that will allow running two emulations simultaneously. These will be possible to connect through a virtual link, but unlike VTI this will be a raw link. I'll also add preliminary support for the 82, because it's almost the same as the 83 as far as I know. Oh, and I intend to add animated gif outputting capability, right from the box.
Damm, Gif support. This could be on of the best emulators yet. Tilem was to much like VTI, it only added a few features, that I liked. If you could accuratly emulate crashes that would be great.

Posted: Tue 22 Mar, 2005 12:09 am
by tr1p1ea
Ive had lots of problems with things working on an EMU then crashing on real hardware :S.

Posted: Tue 22 Mar, 2005 12:16 am
by Jim e
We should submit code to cobb so he can make his emulator crash the right :P

Posted: Tue 22 Mar, 2005 12:18 am
by tr1p1ea
Hahaha, actually that is a good idea :).

Posted: Tue 22 Mar, 2005 6:26 am
by CoBB
It doesn't help much in itself unless you also attach a video of the real hardware crashing. ;)

Posted: Tue 22 Mar, 2005 10:42 pm
by tr1p1ea
Well yeah ... :).

This project is looking so awesome ... it will help developers a LOT!

Who knows maybe TI will even buy the damn thing off you :).

Posted: Wed 23 Mar, 2005 7:44 pm
by CoBB
Question of the day: does anyone have an exact reference for input port 3 and output ports 3 and 4 of the 83? The same thing for the 82 would also help a lot.

Sickness of the day: I also added op-amp control to the LCD simulation. ;) (this version is not public at the moment)

Posted: Wed 23 Mar, 2005 8:21 pm
by Jim e
Well, seeing how me and Duck haven't destroyed any calcs yet writing to should be the same I stated for 83+. And reading though is only similar to port 4 on the 83+ not the same.

I have no clue, what sending $76 to port does(except interrupt freq). Those upper bits are mystery. But Ti-os does it for some odd reason.

If I only had an 83 i could have documented all this by now when I was looking into the 83+.

Also Are you going to make the same bugs when you write to the lcd to fast? Is it already implemeted?