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Doors CS 7 include file for Mimas

Posted: Wed 27 Apr, 2011 10:26 am
by aeTIos

I am learning asm at the moment and I hate that you cant use "call iputsprite" but have to use "call $4089" to call iputsprite (in mimas). So I printed the whole DCS include file and i am now typing it in in my calc. All Ion and MirageOS routines are included, and the DCS routines are too. I have also added some useful routines (2 at the moment: Set_15_mHz and Set_6_mHz). I hope this is useful for you!

attached the appvar. You can include it via menu([graph])>1. Libraries ([1])> add ([Y=]) and then select DCS7INC.

I am gonna add a brief syntax for every routine listed in this file too.

PS: I thought it was fair to mention that an DCS7 include file was included in the Mimas package too, I made this cuz I thought that it did not work, but it did ;)

Version 0.9 - contains a few bugs with place of the routines, a few are in the wrong section.
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