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ACT IV : The Lost Story

Posted: Wed 27 Sep, 2006 4:44 pm
by xDarkFirex
This game will be for the TI-89 written in C. The basic story line is all worked out. I'm writing the game design manual. Its go to be an isometric game. In the reigns of Metal Gear Solid. It won't be a copy. But it should play like it. I have some ideas of some stuff like I would like to see happen in the game. Like Snipper shooting. Psuedo 3d. Some full motion cutscenes.

The gameplay itself is very cinematic. The way you act effects the gameplay. ie. Run around with a sword or gun people will notice.

All i have to do is work on my drawing and sprite creation. My one weak point.

(<_< Changed the story. Read last post)

Posted: Wed 27 Sep, 2006 8:01 pm
by CompWiz
Wow, that sounds great. I can't wait to see what you come up with. :)

If you need help with sprites and other graphics, there are some very good pixel artists on this forum who would most likely be happy to help you. Just make a topic in the Pixel Art forum and specify what you need as far as size, style, etc...

*wishes he had a TI-89*

Hmm, it seems that we now have a "Project Dark" as well as a "Dark Ressurection". Once these are done there will be a high-quality "Dark" game for 83/84's, 86's, and 68k calcs. Good luck, and maybe you'll have the same luck as Aaron Curtis(author of "Blinded by the Dark") and also get POTY. :D

Posted: Wed 27 Sep, 2006 9:03 pm
by Liazon
yay! more 68k coders

ya pixel art can be hard :(

Posted: Thu 28 Sep, 2006 4:14 pm
by xDarkFirex
well Im done with the dialouge for the demo. Im now working on some concept art. Next step will be coding the first part of the engine.

*sigh* Now to learn double buffering for grayscale.

Posted: Fri 29 Sep, 2006 12:06 am
by Liazon
Are you using Extgraph? or just teh TIGCC greyscale?

Posted: Fri 29 Sep, 2006 5:02 pm
by Gert-Jan
Metal Gear Solid is my favourite game xDD

Posted: Fri 29 Sep, 2006 7:00 pm
by Madskillz
very sweet I cant wait to see this game! I dont own an 89...but I wish I would have boughten one!

Posted: Sat 30 Sep, 2006 6:30 am
by Gert-Jan
a damn, it's for 68k, didn't see

Posted: Sat 30 Sep, 2006 2:11 pm
by CompWiz
well, how about you learn z80 asm and make it for 83/4 series calcs? :)

Posted: Sat 30 Sep, 2006 4:47 pm
by King Harold
that would be a good idea, i think most people still have 83/4's because they're cheap. atleast, at my school everyone of my year (except for me ofcourse, i have a 84+) everyone has a 83+.
have you learned z80 asm allready compwiz?

Posted: Sun 01 Oct, 2006 2:37 pm
by Liazon
well, 68k's still aren't allowed on a majority of tests, so that may be another reason why. idk

Posted: Sun 01 Oct, 2006 5:17 pm
by CompWiz
yeah, in high school, and some advanced courses in middle school, everyone is required to have an 83/4 calculator, and teachers reccomend an 83+ as a minimum. Lately many people have been going for 84+'s. So, at least in my school district, everyone has an 83/4 calc. and yes, you can't use 68k calcs on tests.

@King Harold: well, I went through most of the 28 days guide, but I wasn't really getting it. I then tried the independant z80 guide(I think that's what it's called), and it was going better, but I got busy with other things and never finished it. I'll have to finish that. But as I've said, I'm really more of a hardware person than a software person. I know a bunch of computer languages, but I'm not really all that good at any of them. However, I should be able to get asm eventually, it'll just take longer.

And while 89's aren't used as much as 83/4's, this still is a great game to make. I don't want to discourage xDarkFirex from making it.

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2006 4:46 pm
by xDarkFirex
Some game style changes but here is a little story preview. I just wrote this on the spot. So dont be surprise if the are changes.

A 3 part game if all goes well. This will be an RPG but not in traditonal RPG style. Lets see if i can give a story preview without ruing the plot.

What are these voices in my head...
Who are these people what do they want from me...
What is this strange feeling of deja vu...
Am I really me...

Nothing is what it seems. What is real is fake. And what does not exist. Controls your every thought. Is there and escape. Can you escape. Are you really trapped. The time for Resurrection is near.

Dark Resurrection Coming to a TI-89 near you.

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2006 4:58 pm
by King Harold
Sounds great, remind me of kingdom hearts somehow..
maybe someone could port it to 8X calcs? It sounds like a great game so it would be a real pitty if i can't play it..

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2006 6:39 pm
by CompWiz
well, looking at all the features he hopes to have the game, it would take a lot of work and programming talent to make even a crippled version of this game for the 83/4 calcs. Do you want to give it a shot, King harold?