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The Da Vinci Code - The movie

Posted: Sat 03 Jun, 2006 11:40 pm
by kv83
Anyone saw it already? Just back from the movie. It's very good imho. Of course not as good as the book, but it managed to bring the "message" of the book to the audience in the short period. It's funny how it makes people "think" about what is the real truth! Almost the half of the people were still sitting when the music was over, discussing different things of the movie. Everyone should see at least the movie and/or read the book :)

Posted: Sat 03 Jun, 2006 11:50 pm
by Timendus
Hmm, I saw it. Almost everyone got up immediately when the movie was over and the music started :P

I'll admit that I didn't read the book, but I consider it 99% fiction. I read Dan Brown's "Het Juvenalis dilemma" (sorry, I don't know the English title), which is about data storage, encryption, networking security and the lot, which I happen to know a bit about. And it's full of crap. Not just a bit, but full of it :) Hence I'm quite certain that The Da Vinci Code is just as full of crap in the eyes of someone who's more knowledgeable in the field of Christian history and the Roman Church than I am.

And if this was the first time you doubted the Bible's historical validity, I think you need a checkup :mrgreen:

Posted: Sat 03 Jun, 2006 11:55 pm
by kv83
not be crude, but it's based on research (not from him self). A lot of things in the book, are actual true. The background information is based on a lot of true information aswell.

I don't know about the Juvenalis dilemma, since I didn't read it (i'm not intrested in the "new stuff". I like history more in books), but I know that it was one if it's first books, years before he wrote The Da Vinci Code.

I won't say that everything in his book is right. Nobody knows for sure. But i guarantee you 100% that the bible is not as valid as you may think (or not). It's written by men and used by the church to supress the "common" people. Says enough I guess :)

Posted: Sun 04 Jun, 2006 12:12 am
by DarkAuron
I'll probably see it when it comes out on dvd.

Posted: Sun 04 Jun, 2006 1:04 am
by threefingeredguy
My dad hated it, and my brother loved it. I haven't seen it yet, but I liked the book.

Posted: Sun 04 Jun, 2006 1:20 am
by L4E_WakaMol-King
Timendus wrote:I'm quite certain that The Da Vinci Code is just as full of crap in the eyes of someone who's more knowledgeable in the field of Christian history and the Roman Church
It is ;).

Posted: Sun 04 Jun, 2006 3:16 am
by CompWiz
Timendus wrote:I read Dan Brown's "Het Juvenalis dilemma" (sorry, I don't know the English title), which is about data storage, encryption, networking security and the lot, which I happen to know a bit about. And it's full of crap. Not just a bit, but full of it :) Hence I'm quite certain that The Da Vinci Code is just as full of crap in the eyes of someone who's more knowledgeable in the field of Christian history and the Roman Church than I am.
Hmm, I think I read that book back in 7th grade. I don't remember the title though. It was about that supercomputer they made to break encrypted communications, then it was infected by a virus, and melted down. Is that the one you were talking about?

Now, from what I've read, the DiVinci code has a lot of true facts in it. Dan Brown did do his research. However, he also changed a lot of history to make it a good story. I don't know why people are considering this to be some new discovery about the "real" history. It's fiction. It's funny that the catholic church is going so against this. I mean, do they really think good, Bible reading christians are going to believe this obviously fictional story over the Bible because it's a good story? Ha. It's not based on the Bible's account of history, but then, how many movies nowadays are? When I go see the movie, and eventually get around to reading the book, I wouldn't even consider the absurdity of changing my beliefs because of a fiction story. What's the big deal? If someone's gullible enough to think that this is a true story, then there's really something wrong with them. Maybe the catholic church should go release tv commercials explaining the word "Fiction" to people if they're so worried. I saw a Catholic pamphlet talking about how bad this book is. It was funny to read it. It kept picking out parts of the book and talking about how they were not accurate, as if this book had been released as non-fiction or something. I mean, pick up any fiction book, and you can tear it apart and prove that it's not factual. But what's the point? It's not like Dan Brown is marketing it as being true. Why doesn't the Catholic church go tear up Decipher? It's an international bestselling book that also tries to show that everything you know about history is wrong, not unlike the Davinci Code. It also disagrees with the Bible's account of history. Yet, somehow, reading this fiction book didn't even make me think of changing anything I believe. Good read? Yes. History Book? Not quite. :lol:

Posted: Sun 04 Jun, 2006 4:50 am
by crzyrbl
Ha, Digital Fortress is the english name. I read the Da Vinci Code book too, I dont know if the movie will ruin it or not. might see it tomorrow.

Posted: Sun 04 Jun, 2006 7:35 am
by CoBB
The book is nothing but mediocre, except for the points where it's outright ridiculous (just think of the scene with the mirror writing). I'm still baffled why it became such a hit and how people can take it seriously... That said, I don't feel the slightest intention to watch the movie.

Posted: Sun 04 Jun, 2006 8:14 am
by leofox
I've read Deception Point (Delta Deceptie in Dutch, although i've read it in English) last year, i liked Dan Browns style, it was a nice book to read. But i consider it dumb entertainment, nicely written, but still 100% fiction.

People take the da Vinci code too seriously. After i read Deception Point, i thought "hey, some of this stuff could really happen". Then i gave myself a (metaphorical) slap in the face, because it was just big BS (it's about the NSA faking evidence of alien life to help the sitting president to stay in the White House).

I haven't read the Da Vinci Code, but knowing Browns style, i think there would be a lot of people that thought "hey this is true maybe" and didnt slap themselves in the face. But it's a book! I dont consider it any more true than Harry Potter. Or maybe Wizards exist, and they go to school in a castle in Scotland?

Get real. It's fiction.

Posted: Sun 04 Jun, 2006 10:46 am
by Timendus
kv83 wrote:not be crude, but it's based on research (not from him self). A lot of things in the book, are actual true. The background information is based on a lot of true information aswell.
Correct, a lot of things in the book are true. Others are bent, some are made up. But mostly he combines facts as he sees fit in such a way that it leads to only one conclusion. That's no scientific research... That's fiction :) ... _criticism
i guarantee you 100% that the bible is not as valid as you may think (or not). It's written by men and used by the church to supress the "common" people. Says enough I guess :)
Yup, you're right. To quote Penn and Teller: "The Bible contains equal amounts of facts, history... and pizza"

Nevertheless, a lot of people believe in Jezus Christ as the son of God who died as a martyr to forgive our sins in the battle between God and Satan so that we will be saved at the last judgement, and all that stuff. I think that's a crapload of bullshit, but I don't insult millions of people and try to make millions of dollars by writing scientific-looking books that lead to only one conclusion. I think that is pointless and insulting. If he had left the introduction out of the book ("all descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents [...] and secret rituals in this novel are accurate") it would've been a nice fictional novel and nobody would've disliked it.

I'm not even convinced that Jezus existed, that he was born in a stable, nor that he was crusified, so why would it be more plausible if he had children and that decendants are still among us today (in France..?!)...

Posted: Sun 04 Jun, 2006 1:28 pm
by kv83
Of course the book and the movie are fiction. I never doubted it. The whole story is made up. But the fun thing is to read about the "true parts". About Da Vinci and about the "hidden messages" in his works (like Mona Lisa).

Just for the record, I think Jesus relly existed. I don't know if he was the son of good or just a prophet. I guess a lot of things were made up by people. You know how it goes. Everytime you tell a story, new "facts" are added.

I think Dan Brown has a good writing style and I enjoyed to read both Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons (Het Bernini Mysterie). I don't consider them as "new" discoveries, but I really love the background information about the different things and stuff.

Furthere more I think it's very nice that it reall make people think about this stuff. Whether it's true or not, it made people think about what they truly believe.

Posted: Sun 04 Jun, 2006 1:29 pm
by leofox
I believe that Jezus was an historical figure, the first person to say "if you want God to be nice to you be nice to other people, in stead of being all afraid".

The bible was written centuries after Jezus by church leaders, they added a bunch of BS and miracles and all to make him (and themselves) look better.

Posted: Sun 04 Jun, 2006 7:23 pm
by L4E_WakaMol-King
leofox wrote:an historical figure
Major bonus points for the proper use of "an." Most people don't know that rule.
leofox wrote:The bible was written centuries after Jezus by church leaders, they added a bunch of BS and miracles and all to make him (and themselves) look better.
I don't want to turn this into a religious debate, because those usually don't end well, but for what it is worth, all 4 gospels and about half of the epistles were completed by 100ad, which was about 66 years after Jesus died. The cannon (New Testament) was compiled into one work around 200ad.

Posted: Sun 04 Jun, 2006 7:38 pm
by CoBB
L4E_WakaMol-King wrote:
leofox wrote:an historical figure
Major bonus points for the proper use of "an." Most people don't know that rule.
And I don't want to turn this into a linguistic debate, Mr. Prescriptivist, so just accept that most people do pronounce that 'h' and adjust the indefinite article accordingly. :P