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Return to 83+ BASIC

Posted: Mon 03 Apr, 2006 9:18 pm
by Loki
As you may or may not know, I had lost my 84+SE. Just today, however, I got it back, and to celebrate, I'll start making an RPG type game. I'm open to any and all suggestions, so if you've got anything, lemme know. Right now the only set-in-stone thing about the game is that its a game, and that its an RPG. So tell me your ideas and I'll put them together into something. Cheers!

Posted: Mon 03 Apr, 2006 11:50 pm
by tr1p1ea
Well have you considered what time in history this RPG will take place in ... also will it feature turn-based battles or live action?

Either way its good that you got your calc back ... and that its motivated you to start a new project! :).

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2006 12:09 am
by Loki
Like I said, Im open to anything. However, I was thinking something...future-y...err...future-ish...yeah...i dunno. But not like, 45th century or anything. Somewhat modern, but set in the not too distant future. And it will be turn-based, cos i love turn-based battle systems (Final Fantasy <3).

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2006 12:12 am
by katmaster
What about just doing Final Fantasy itself? I love that game (all of them except 8 and all the gamecube ones that is).

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2006 12:33 am
by kalan_vod
Great! Maybe Michael will teach you a few new tricks! :P I hope you decide what type of rpg you want to make, but a final fantasy one would be very cool (not future though :D). Will you be using xLIB or just pure basic?

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2006 12:34 am
by Floodkiller
well, if its a futuristic rpg, you have 3 choices for backgrounds:

1) Like FF7, the world could be somewhat deserted in parts, like a wasteland future

2) It could have a horror feel to it (I haven't seen one of these yet, i think it might look pretty cool)

3) In the middle of a gigantic war between two countries or species. Remember, just because it is modern future doesnt mean you cant have aliens, just take a look at Half-Life.

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2006 4:47 am
by Loki
Ah, some very good ideas! Floodkiller, i love the sound of number 2. And i suppose i could make it a FF game...I'll be using xLib probably...maybe some hex for un/archiving programs and whatnot...and i probably will ask michael for some help, coding and/or sprites. Okay, so, so far we've got a FF game with a horror like feel to it. Any ideas for a storyline and name? I was thinking something like: Final Fanstasy: Requiem of Shadows...something like that. I dunno.

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2006 9:12 am
by the_unknown_one
Nice title. I hope you'll make a nice game, the ideas sound great to me!

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2006 1:55 pm
by Floodkiller
well, i wouldnt know how to pull off a final fantasy storyline, as Im not too much of the final fantasy fan (not that i dont like them, i just like fps's better, i like to twitch, not think :) )

however, if youve got the horror feel, just lay down your basic storyline and where most of the adventure will take place (description of it, not just the name :D ) and im sure i can cook up some plot twists and freak out points in it.

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2006 3:48 pm
by Loki
Groovy, I'll get right on it. Thanks! I'll also need sprites and stuff...

Posted: Mon 24 Apr, 2006 5:16 am
by Loki
Its been a while since i announced this project, and sadly not much is done. However, I post here to say that 1) its not dead, and 2) i promise to do some work on it this week. i'll get that sprite sheet on my calc if it kills me! the problem with it is that it turns out too small...anyone know how to get it on there right? like, exact steps? please let me know if you can help! Thanks! <gets to work on other aspects of the game>

Posted: Mon 24 Apr, 2006 3:03 pm
by kalan_vod
Cool, I am glad you didn't drop this. What turns out too small?

Posted: Mon 24 Apr, 2006 8:20 pm
by Loki
the sprite sheet(see the topic on omnimaga)