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Posted: Sun 16 Jan, 2005 5:56 pm
by Madskillz
Well...this isn't my project. I just thought I should bring this up. I know
Guillaume is around here some where, but I don't know why he hasn't posted a topic about this yet. This is by far, the best version of the game so far. I mean it has contrast changing, new locations for the ammo/health on the screen, the enemies actually come at you, and I am sure there are many more improvements that I failed to mention!

Best of all, this now works on the 84's too! (I did a little testing! :D )
Guillaume, wherever you are, this topic is for you buddy! :D

Please download this awesome version! Either at the TIFT: or at ... 36062.html

Also check out the TIFT for some of their other great games/projects already out or coming...especially PaperPlane!

Posted: Sun 16 Jan, 2005 9:06 pm
by Kozak
Yeah it already has many improvements made so far. The lines also seem to go better though I have seen it go wrong somewhere. Good work TIFT!

Posted: Sun 16 Jan, 2005 9:14 pm
by tr1p1ea
Yes, GuillaumeH has done some great work with that game after taking over :).

Posted: Sun 16 Jan, 2005 11:32 pm
by shadowing
I should play it. Let's see if it improved. :twisted:

But otherwise, GREAT JOB!!

Posted: Mon 17 Jan, 2005 8:44 pm
by GuillaumeH
Thanks for your support :D
zDoom is still quite buggy, big and slow. Since this version i have fixed the bug of the "wandering corpses", and for the next version i think i'll make a level editor and have level compression.

Posted: Thu 27 Jan, 2005 7:42 pm
by dysfunction
I have some advice:
1. The enemies seem much larger than they should (former humans appear to be about as large as barons of hell in the original)- perhaps you could make the camera's perspective higher or simply make the monsters smaller. It always seems like I'm shooting at their balls, when it should be morelike upper-chest area.
2. The enemies-shooting-through-walls bug has happened a few times, it'd be nice to see that fixed.
In general, it'd be nice to see it run a little faster and smoother. I'd also like to see more artifacts and rooms that are easier to tell apart- also the walls should be curved less often (rooms in the original were generally rectangular) Otherwise, this game is incredible. Keep up the great work!

Posted: Thu 27 Jan, 2005 8:26 pm
by Spengo
It is a cool game(much better than the french one), but it needs more bad guys. I want to see the floating red ball guys. Also, it needs textures. White walls are more boring. (but don't overdo it :P. the wolfenstine game is impoosible to see the enemies. More like Gemini, the best fps on the calculators I've seen so far.) Another thing is the weapons. Why does the ammo work for bothe guns? I never use the pistol thing because the other gun pwns it.

Posted: Sun 27 Feb, 2005 11:05 pm
by GuillaumeH
Here is the little progress I've made. Ammo is now separated between weapons.

Spengo> The walls will never be textured because the engine of the game is not meant for this.


Posted: Sun 27 Feb, 2005 11:09 pm
by DarkAuron
Sweet :D

Posted: Sun 27 Feb, 2005 11:10 pm
by tr1p1ea
WOW! That is really sweet Guillaume. its good to see that you are still chugging along with this project :).

Posted: Sun 27 Feb, 2005 11:10 pm
by Spengo
Yays! Now just make more enemies! Oh yeah, and make the barrels explode. That would be cool.

Posted: Mon 28 Feb, 2005 12:20 am
by DarkAuron
Does it render fullscreen or just the middle? The first two pics seem to render different from the third..

Posted: Mon 28 Feb, 2005 7:02 pm
by pacHa
Actually I think they just 'seem' because the walls are furhter
Nice work btw gH

Posted: Tue 01 Mar, 2005 3:28 am
by Madskillz
Sweet...more progress! :D Always good news gH!

Posted: Thu 03 Mar, 2005 4:37 pm
by Calv!n.n0.1
Nice work GuillaumeH! This game is starting to look a lot like Doom! :)