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Legal matters...

Posted: Tue 11 Jan, 2005 10:18 pm
by Jim e
Since i've figured out how to make massive sized apps I finished something that I had on the back burner for whle and that was turning my Calculator into cruddy music player. Now I'm wondering if it's legal for me to distribute the two songs(jaded & american idiot) I converted on to ticalc. I think it's ok becuase theres so many copyrighted games (zelda, mario) that are recreated, but then again with the whole mess with napster I'd like to have some extra input on the legal matter, so if anyone has a clue please tell, theres no way I'm gonig back to jail.

Posted: Tue 11 Jan, 2005 11:49 pm
by Dwedit
It's probably not legal, but I doubt the RIAA would pay any attention to crap quality music being synthesized off-key by a calculator.

Posted: Wed 12 Jan, 2005 2:27 am
by DarkAuron
What'd you go to jail for the first time?

Posted: Wed 12 Jan, 2005 6:35 am
by tr1p1ea
You never know, i think it would be very bad PR for them to care. And i am also curious as to why you dont want to go 'back' to jail? Why where you there in the first place ... as long as you dont mind me asking that is.

Posted: Wed 12 Jan, 2005 12:30 pm
by Jim e
I went for the stupidest reason possible, you Know those little stickers you have to get for you car that says it's been inspected and has insurance. Well I hadn't taken care of that in two years, combined parking violations on my sisters part(we shared cars then), and a mean officer Rando, I got hauled way. 3 hours and $600 dollars later I was a free man. jail changed me...
Honestly i don't know if it was real jail, it was just a kinda small caged room behind jail doorman(?). Not what i expected, (I thought I was gonna be like the old pokey, with bars)

Posted: Wed 12 Jan, 2005 1:53 pm
by tr1p1ea
Oh, 3 hours ... i was thinking like months or even years! :).

Posted: Wed 12 Jan, 2005 7:43 pm
by merthsoft
It would be the same laws that apply to midi music:
A MIDI file is subject to at least two separate copyrights: The artist or the record company, and the sequencer or author who programmed the MIDI. MIDI authors do not necessarily have permission of either the record company or the artist to publish a song as a MIDI. This means that even if you find a sequencer on the Internet offering free MIDIs for which he/she has produced, it is still illegal for you to use them unless the sequencer has also licensed the copyrights from the original artist or recording company.

Posted: Thu 13 Jan, 2005 7:43 am
by tr1p1ea
So mobile phone ringtones?

Posted: Fri 14 Jan, 2005 1:41 am
by merthsoft
Yes, ringtones would be included in that if the author, or at least the copyright owner, did not give permission.

Posted: Fri 14 Jan, 2005 10:56 am
by benryves
AFAIK will not accept these files anyway.

Posted: Fri 14 Jan, 2005 2:11 pm
by Jim e
oh great... Guess my only other choice is to write program that converts directly to an app so everyone can just make their own songs. the pascal routine I wrote now only breaks it into 16k binary blocks.
thanx anyway guys

Posted: Fri 14 Jan, 2005 6:01 pm
by Dwedit
Why would you need to break it into 16k binary blocks? I've written a program that converts a big file directly into an app.

Posted: Fri 14 Jan, 2005 7:28 pm
by Jim e
Really, how big an app does it make?
I need up to 90 pages or so, And so far I could only get Wappsign to to sign it for me, and I've personally on seen one other app near that size and it's still in beta.
Any way even if you do have it, I really want to program it myself and it needs to convert 8bit wav to 7bit or 4bit bin file.