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Posted: Fri 05 Aug, 2005 5:32 pm
by threefingeredguy
gentlemen, i believe it is time for us to hack that website (they have little tyo no security) and remove hawiian swirls from database. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: Fri 05 Aug, 2005 6:28 pm
by Spengo
Nah that would just make ppl angry. On thing we COULD do tho, is create a bajillion email addresses and vote 20 times/day!

Posted: Fri 05 Aug, 2005 6:37 pm
by threefingeredguy
the website is too damn slow to do that

Posted: Fri 05 Aug, 2005 7:34 pm
by leofox
what the hell.. some cheesy design called stars came out of nothing to 610 votes, pushing Searing Fire to 4th place.. damn cheaters.

Posted: Fri 05 Aug, 2005 7:45 pm
by mnc2fan
I'm in, muhahahaha (.)(.). :? :?

Posted: Fri 05 Aug, 2005 8:23 pm
by threefingeredguy
i guess a few people have learned to hack/cheat 84silver. none one culd get 610 votes out of nowhere.

Posted: Fri 05 Aug, 2005 8:45 pm
by lloydkirk1989
If TI had any common sense, they would block the IP address of a computer that has already voted that day.

Posted: Fri 05 Aug, 2005 9:39 pm
by threefingeredguy
and dl cookies at vote and check for cookies on revote.

Posted: Fri 05 Aug, 2005 9:54 pm
by Jim e
Yeah cookies that'll stop'em. :roll:

Ti should judge the contest themselves....that would almost insure no cheating occurs. I mean the prize was $1000 shopping spree, no? I'd expect some better security in the matter.

Posted: Sat 06 Aug, 2005 12:13 am
by DarkAuron
If they did that they'd figure out that my design is the best, and worth that much. Doubt they will though. And if someone in texas cheats and gets ahead of me, I think I'd crawl into a hole and die. I lose all hope when I'm in a situation like this. :|

Posted: Sat 06 Aug, 2005 1:06 am
by Jim e
DarkAuron wrote:If they did that they'd figure out that my design is the best, and worth that much. Doubt they will though. And if someone in texas cheats and gets ahead of me, I think I'd crawl into a hole and die. I lose all hope when I'm in a situation like this. :|
Dramatic much??? :lol: :lol:

Personally I think mine was better if I didn't misspell :twisted: . However I still blame TI for messing up the face.
THis is what it should have looked like

Oh well....I'm pretty content were I am, I didn't really need $1000. :(

Posted: Sat 06 Aug, 2005 6:35 am
by DarkAuron
I emailed the guy I talked to about.. cheating. I got an automated response (that he apparently set) that he won't be in until tuesday, and thus won't be able to reply to emails until then. Bleh. *goes to drown self*

Edit: By the way jim, that's great work. Too bad it didn't work out :|

Edit2: .. .. I and many many others want a good explanation for how in the hell lloyd got over 800 votes in a DAY. :?

Posted: Sun 07 Aug, 2005 1:14 pm
by Twelve
umm.. lloyd, 823 votes? wow. your an asshole. The funniest thing about your sh*tty design where you don't even take the time to make "rocks" fit is that you aparrently attend a "school of the arts" I can't believe that. I though everyone on this board had sympathy for Dark Auron and would stand behind him. But I guess anyone can be a real douche bag.

Posted: Sun 07 Aug, 2005 2:15 pm
by tr1p1ea
I too think that it should be TI judging ... community voting just doesnt seem right.

Posted: Sun 07 Aug, 2005 3:41 pm
by lloydkirk1989
Its a funny story. I asked a friend of mine to vote for my entry and she kind of over did it. I belive she posted a voting plea for my entry in 21 forums including an Indian bulletin board network with like 6,000 members. As it would seem, she managed to earn me quite a few votes. :P

Twelve: Harsh words for a person who's only been a member for like a week. :roll: In my oppinion, all the designs are shi*tty because wonderful TI decided to give us a trashy flashy paint tool. Since you're not aware of the fact, there are different forms of art. I myself major in MUSIC. Noone should be compelled to support one person and that shouldn't be an expectation. I did vote for DA's entry by the way.

To everyone: None of the entries, including mine deserve the grand prize of $1,000...etc. Even if I was cheating, its hypocritical to critizize. First of all, everyone is cheating and the only way to compete with cheaters is to be one. I know as a matter of fact, that several people who I know are cheating to get DA more votes. I've even had my doubts as to if DA was cheating or not. I can't be certain though. The point is, allowing people to cheat for you, without speaking out against it is just as bad as doing it yourself. In the end, it doesn't realy matter. TI must be aware of the gross cheating by now and they'll probably cancel the contest. It is within their right to do so.