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Posted: Sat 30 Sep, 2006 9:36 pm
by anykey
Arcane WIzard wrote:split plz
There's no annoying registry that programs scramble however they want.
Come back when you want to change any configuration option that's anywhere in a GUI, without having to do more than click an icon or run a fully automated script (script = easy peasy) that can not only implement the changes but also respond dynamically to other changes in settings from any source.

Want your system to switch it's audio configuration from desktop speakers to headphone when you start a game or teamspeak? Just add the needed registry settings to their start up!

If the programs you install are messing up your registry then yes, you should stay with a Mac.
There are plenty of freeware programs available for the mac. After all, it is built on top of unix.
Most of the programs I use are freeware (ftp client, blender, dvd ripping, etc.).
When I was talking about the registry, I meant file associations. One of the biggest problems I had with my old PC was programs going in and changing file associations, such as Komodo, which would automatically edit HTML files (when I went to change it, there was no html extension under the filetypes!). That's a pretty minor and specific complaint, however.
I do, however take offense to your comment about the GUI. You just made up some crap about me that you don't even know is true. Like most people in the world, I use a GUI (this is the "Share your desktop" thread, isn't it?). Does that mean I don't know how to use a command line or understand anything below the graphical level? NO.
Sorry if I seem a little hot-headed, but that assumption pissed me off.

Posted: Sat 30 Sep, 2006 9:44 pm
by CompWiz
Andy_J wrote:
CompWiz wrote:well, yes, they bundle some nice programs, but they kind of have to, as all the freeware won't work on a mac. I'd really hate having to buy special programs at a premium so I can run them on a mac. With windows, almost every program will run on it. If you download something, chances are it'll work. If you buy some program at the store, it's probably a windows program. how can you stand that?
And how is this a good thing? It's a plain indicator of the monopoly Microsoft has on the operating system market, outside of the geek/nerd/photographer niche.
whether it's good or bad, it's there. Microsoft does have a monopoly on OS's, and because of that most programs are made for windows. Wishing it wasn't so won't fix that. And anyway, I'm not about to pay a huge price premium to get a mac that has basically the same hardware as a pc you can make for half the price. Even if macs could run all pc software, that price difference would keep me from getting a mac. I mean, it's price per performance. you get more performance for less money with a pc. Also, everyone seems to be ignoring the other monopoly. Everyone who buys a mac is supporting Intel, a company which has done a lot of bad things to maintain it's market share. From rigging benchmark software, to penalizing companies that use the competition's cpu, they've been doing a lot of things no one should be proud of. And yet mac users act as if they are doing a public service sticking it to the man and refusing to get the evil monopoly's product, while they sit there using Intel cpu's. Obviously, there's something wrong with that.
anykey wrote: There are plenty of freeware programs available for the mac. After all, it is built on top of unix.
Most of the programs I use are freeware (ftp client, blender, dvd ripping, etc.).
It's not just the freeware I'm talking about. I do buy retail software. And if I find a really good deal on a game I want or something, I don't want to get it just to find out it's not compatable. Or have to buy the overpriced mac version.

Posted: Sun 18 Nov, 2007 12:13 am
by DJ_O
post removed

Posted: Sun 18 Nov, 2007 12:32 am
by Halifax
Haha, yeah right.

Posted: Sun 18 Nov, 2007 3:15 am
by DigiTan
Oh the humanity!

Posted: Sun 18 Nov, 2007 3:24 am
by kalan_vod
I think I would shoot my screen if it was that bad ;)

Posted: Sun 18 Nov, 2007 4:49 am
by Demon

Posted: Sun 18 Nov, 2007 9:28 am
by CoBB

Posted: Sun 18 Nov, 2007 10:34 pm
by Halifax

*Halifax really has to clean up his desktop

Posted: Mon 19 Nov, 2007 6:21 am
by blueskies

still using the same grass background as last time. I can't stand more than a few icons on the desktop though...

Posted: Mon 19 Nov, 2007 11:01 am
by benryves
I'm just using one of the bundled backgrounds here.

Posted: Sun 25 Nov, 2007 8:49 pm
by Timendus
@CoBB: Is that Xubuntu? What happened to your DPI setting? :)

Posted: Sun 25 Nov, 2007 9:26 pm
by CoBB
Timendus wrote:@CoBB: Is that Xubuntu? What happened to your DPI setting? :)
No, it’s my trusty Debian Sid. :) And what about my DPI setting?

Posted: Mon 26 Nov, 2007 2:11 am
by Homestar
@ Halifax, the gears of war desktop is sweet.

Here's mine, (the painting is an intellectual joke making fun of modern art)


Posted: Wed 28 Nov, 2007 2:11 pm
by Timendus
CoBB wrote:
Timendus wrote:@CoBB: Is that Xubuntu? What happened to your DPI setting? :)
No, it’s my trusty Debian Sid. :)
Meant to ask "Is that XFCE" I guess ;)
And what about my DPI setting?
Well... the image is huge, but the resolution seems quite small. Maybe you just stretched the image, but that didn't seem logical to me :)