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Posted: Thu 03 Feb, 2005 4:05 pm
by pacHa
c'mon !
you don't even know how to do this and you want to program an 'awesome' diablo II game within next month ?
you'd better plan doing small simple games, to learn

anyway, good luck (you *may* need it)


Posted: Thu 03 Feb, 2005 4:33 pm
by the_unknown_one
Man, this looks like a great project, but 1. this needs to be real-time!
2. i dont think u'll get far, as ur even a bigger n00b at asm than me

Re: lol

Posted: Thu 03 Feb, 2005 4:45 pm
by CoBB
the_unknown_one wrote:i dont think u'll get far, as ur even a bigger n00b at asm than me
Don't be ridiculous.

Posted: Thu 03 Feb, 2005 6:11 pm
by T0RM3N7
Hey if he's new to ASM then help him dont criticize him
I havent even learned ASM yet (though i want to)
still this sounds like an awesome game :D
almost as good as that old Starcraft 83+ flash game :)
(i wonder how that's going :?: )

Posted: Thu 03 Feb, 2005 6:47 pm
by Shadow-at school
"this needs to be real-time! "-what does that mean?

anyway FIRST LAYOUT(to be changed)

TASM compiler header.

Clearscreen, Runthingy off

Start loop MAIN
it checks for whetever the person should go left right up down
and compares the x and y cordinates. if they equal to predetermined numbers goto EVENT loops
check if coord are off the screen then change map#
Check if exp>needed if yes goto GetUpExp
Also start RANDOM to determine if you have been attacked. if did goto Fight

Start loop Display
This is called to
2. call the pic that is gonna be correspand to mapW variable. So if mapW is 1, its gonna call map1, and so on
3. Put the person where he is suppos to be.
4.goto main

start loop FIGHT
2.display monster from picture.
3. check if the user presses button to indicate fight/run/magic/item
4. after he presses, him and monster loses health.
5.checks if user or monster health is 0. if so loop dead or win
6.goto Fight

start Loop Win
1. Random money, Random expierence.

start Loop DEAD
1.Ohno!!! YOU LOSE!!!!
2. ret

start loopGetUpExp
1. Print YEAH!!!!
2. YOU GOT + exp + mon
3. add 1 to level
4.goto main

start loop EVENT1
1give exp
2. change coord
3.goto main

start loop EVENT2
1.give $$$
2.change coord
3.goto main

start loop EVENT3
1. you win

declare variables
declare pictures

Posted: Thu 03 Feb, 2005 9:25 pm
by kalan_vod
well i see you have a good plan but do you know any asm?

Posted: Thu 03 Feb, 2005 9:59 pm
by Madskillz
Yes, good luck on your venture into the world of ASM...but a word from the wise, start out small and work up to the big games! Trust me, this will help you in the long run. I am all for new, fresh ideas coming out...I won't put you down, because your new or anything of the sort. For all I know, you may be like Tr1p and pick this stuff up super fast! :wink:

Also, have you gone through ASM in 28 days yet? I would go through that first if you haven't already. Again, good luck, just don't rush this. (Getting it done by next month for example) You can pitch that out the window. If you wanna make a good game, that is fun to play, and not like some crappy BASIC menu type game, take your time. There are plenty of crappy ASM games at, we don't need one more! :twisted:

Posted: Fri 04 Feb, 2005 12:32 am
by shadowing
True. You should never rush. Take it slow and easy. Especially z80.

Posted: Fri 04 Feb, 2005 3:44 am
by Shadow Phoenix
1. i do know ASM
2. I read asm in 28 days
3. right now im kinda busy (high school math/chess team/juggling club/ tennis club...) but usually I study ASM 6 hours a day

Posted: Fri 04 Feb, 2005 4:05 am
by Spengo
WOW! you're really devoted. I ususally study asm about 14hrs a week :P. I be a junior and I am in the middle of the big junior research project that is basically worth my grade this quarter, so I don't have too much time. Soon, I'll bring it to school though and start working on it during adv. comp. topics :D. This will be a great game, almost no matter what you do.

Posted: Fri 04 Feb, 2005 4:08 am
by tr1p1ea
14 hours a week wow!

Anyway Shadow Phoenix i recommend you look up tilemaps and how they work ... it would be much more efficient (as opposed to using pics).

I think there is some info in the help section :).

Posted: Fri 04 Feb, 2005 4:51 am
by shadowing
Studying an x amount of days would be ineffective if you don't understand it.

Back onto topic, how is it going?

Posted: Fri 04 Feb, 2005 5:08 am
by Shadow Phoenix
badly....coming home at 10pm and working for 1 hour :(
i remember i used matrices and sprites in BASICS, but those were sloooooooow :lol:
googling tilemaps :)
i cant get the image to load!!! any image!!!
even this:

ld hl,Splash
ld de,PlotsScreen
call DispRLE

.db $91,$FF,$30,$F8,$91,$00,$04,$01,$91,$FF,$1E,$80
.db $91,$00,$06,$03,$91,$FF,$10,$80,$91,$00,$08,$1F

Posted: Fri 04 Feb, 2005 10:26 pm
by Spencer
ld bc,768
call "copy to lcd"

I don't know what dispRLE is.

Posted: Sat 05 Feb, 2005 1:09 am
by Shadow Phoenix
igot it to work , but THANKS! anyway :)