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Posted: Thu 01 Jun, 2006 3:10 pm
by Spellshaper
1 word: brainf***

Posted: Thu 01 Jun, 2006 3:11 pm
by tr1p1ea
Im getting a little tired of this. How about we get back on topic.

Top job as usual on the game Kalan, it inherents the feel of any falldown game, which is good.

Im serious, no more of this arguing about who said what, and no more under-the-radar arguing about programmin languages either.

If its not on-topic, directly related to this game, i will delete it.

Posted: Thu 01 Jun, 2006 5:17 pm
by kalan_vod
please delete this topic, along with my is pointless for me to post on MC about my games. No one really appreciates anything I do here on MC (except a few like tr1p, DA)...I would think staff would be a little nicer, but I guess I was wrong (again some are nice, like ben, tr1p, DA, Dan, kozak and patori)...So I will not post about any more of my projects again here, I guess I should've learned my lesson from how poorly kevin was treated with his games.

Posted: Thu 01 Jun, 2006 7:50 pm
by Floodkiller
Great game Kalan, i enjoyed it alot. I think this one might also stay on my calc longer than the asm version, mostly cause I can keep changing the speeds to my liking.

Posted: Thu 01 Jun, 2006 8:34 pm
by CoBB
Kalan, I don't understand you. All the 'critique' you got was two not in the least bit hostile questions, and you even received a long apology from the same person not much later, which you seem to be incapable of appreciating. And then you insulted a whole community for no reason.

All I ask you is to read again the whole topic with a cooler head and try to look at it from an objective viewpoint. Do you really want people to treat you like you did to CompWiz here?

Posted: Thu 01 Jun, 2006 8:56 pm
by kalan_vod
CoBB, I don't get you. If you were in my situation it would a bit different. All I wanted is to show a remake of one of my crappy games I made more than a year ago, I didn't come here to fight or argue. Compwiz originally asked
Compwiz wrote:I'm curious as to why you're making this. Is it better than the real falldown? Does it have any features that differentiate it?
For that I could've taken it differently, where I would explain that the features are more definable level design (size of bars and speed). But I took it as a insult, as this is something I had put my time into.

Now if you were in my shoes and just made basic games, and you rarely received many comments of a game or project and then someone asks "why you are making this?" I would think you would get a little upset also, not saying you would openly post about it. For most people who make anything, time is put into it. When you are questioned to why it is you are making something that has been made before and is at a faster speed, it doesn't come accross to me as being polite.

Have I ever asked someone about why they are making something that has been done before? No, would I ask you to why you made PTI when VTI, Flash Debugger, TIELM (spelling) have already been made? No.

To ask one why they are spending their time on a project, when it is something they find interesting and fun to do is just rude im my opinion.

I appreciate all the positive comments made in this thread, and I apologize for taking up your time.

P.S. Compwiz apologizing was just an attempt to cover his ***, once seeing that I wasn't happy with being ask the question he did and also seeing how some were reacting. If you want to see how much something so small has an effect on people you can check this thread on Omnimaga, as it isn't just the thing that has happened to me, but to those who have come to Maxcoderz with their basic project(s) and were either rude to or totally ignored.

Posted: Thu 01 Jun, 2006 9:06 pm
by Loki
ooh, in there too

Posted: Thu 01 Jun, 2006 9:25 pm
by CDI
same here

Posted: Thu 01 Jun, 2006 9:41 pm
by CoBB
kalan_vod wrote:For that I could've taken it differently, where I would explain that the features are more definable level design (size of bars and speed). But I took it as a insult, as this is something I had put my time into.
Precisely... And that's where you made a bad decision.
kalan_vod wrote:I would think you would get a little upset also, not saying you would openly post about it.
I never get upset when someone asks me a valid question.
kalan_vod wrote:No, would I ask you to why you made PTI when VTI, Flash Debugger, TIELM (spelling) have already been made? No.
Bad example, I started the PTI topic by giving reason, which reason has materialised into actual followers since then. Still, I saw questions pertaining the very point of doing it, and guess what, I didn't get angry at all. It's not hard, believe me.
kalan_vod wrote:P.S. Compwiz apologizing was just an attempt to cover his ***, once seeing that I wasn't happy with being ask the question he did and also seeing how some were reacting.
Please don't present your opinion/speculation as a fact. As I see it, you simply chose to be offended when you could have taken another, more fruitful route.

And sorry, tr1p1ea, but it's one of those rare moments... :roll:

Posted: Thu 01 Jun, 2006 9:52 pm
by kalan_vod
CoBB wrote:
kalan_vod wrote:No, would I ask you to why you made PTI when VTI, Flash Debugger, TIELM (spelling) have already been made? No.
Bad example, I started the PTI topic by giving reason, which reason has materialised into actual followers since then. Still, I saw questions pertaining the very point of doing it, and guess what, I didn't get angry at all. It's not hard, believe me.
So I need to start giving reasons to why I start each project? And just because it isn't difficult for you to keep things bottled up inside or you aren't a angry person, doesn't mean that it is just as easy for others.

It is funny how things like this can change the way a person feels about someone. As always tr1p has been a great person, and has not yet to upset anyone afaik.
CoBB wrote:
kalan_vod wrote:P.S. Compwiz apologizing was just an attempt to cover his ***, once seeing that I wasn't happy with being ask the question he did and also seeing how some were reacting.
Please don't present your opinion/speculation as a fact. As I see it, you simply chose to be offended when you could have taken another, more fruitful route.
That is your opinion, it may have been mine to go the "unfruitful route".
CoBB wrote:And sorry, tr1p1ea, but it's one of those rare moments... Rolling Eyes
Don't worry, this will be deleted, and I guess so will I.

Posted: Thu 01 Jun, 2006 10:06 pm
by Timendus
CoBB wrote:And sorry, tr1p1ea, but it's one of those rare moments... :roll:
I agree. We need to get a few things clear here.

First; Nobody here is actively trying to "destroy" the community, no matter what Kevin sais. No offense Kev, but that's just bullshit in my humble opinion.

Second; People on MC tend to be more interested in assembly coding or development tools for assembly coding, and less interested in Basic coding. So be it. I think it's nice to see different groups having different specialities and preferences, otherwise we'd only need one, wouldn't we?

Third: People asking questions, or people not responding at all, is not an indication that they hate Basic programmers. It's just an indication that they've probably seen a lot of (Basic) software and that they aren't impressed as easily anymore. Heck; even Latenite or my networking routines get just a few solely positive responses. You just don't impress people that easy over here. See that as a challenge, not as a rejection.

Posted: Thu 01 Jun, 2006 10:15 pm
by kalan_vod
Timendus wrote:Heck; even Latenite or my networking routines get just a few solely positive responses. You just don't impress people that easy over here. See that as a challenge, not as a rejection.
And would one of those people be me? Well yes it is, I think I posted in there quite a few times..

Posted: Thu 01 Jun, 2006 10:33 pm
by Timendus
Absolutely right. I'm not sure though how that has much to do with my point? :)

Posted: Thu 01 Jun, 2006 10:52 pm
by CompWiz
CoBB wrote:
kalan_vod wrote:For that I could've taken it differently, where I would explain that the features are more definable level design (size of bars and speed). But I took it as a insult, as this is something I had put my time into.
Precisely... And that's where you made a bad decision.
kalan_vod wrote:P.S. Compwiz apologizing was just an attempt to cover his ***, once seeing that I wasn't happy with being ask the question he did and also seeing how some were reacting.
Please don't present your opinion/speculation as a fact. As I see it, you simply chose to be offended when you could have taken another, more fruitful route.
The reason I apologised was not to "cover my ***" as you put it, but to just say that you were taking my initial post the wrong way. You took it as an insult when I had no such thing in mind. I don't know why we have to have a huge argument, and accuse me of going to the dark side because I asked a simple, innocent question. As I have said repeatedly, I did not mean to insult you at any time. As my initial post stated, I didn't say anything like "why are you working on this Basic trash?", but
CompWiz wrote:I'm curious as to why you're making this. Is it better than the real falldown? Does it have any features that differentiate it?
As I have stated, I think that your version of falldown is very good for a basic game. I never stated anything to the contrary. My initial question that stated that I was curious as to why you were making the game was just that: idle curiosity. Usually, if I'm going to work on a project that will take up a good amount of time, I have a reason. It could be that the game hasn't been made before, or that I want to add in some features that weren't present in another version of the game. Or maybe I just feel like practicing my Basic making another pong clone or something. Your answer of
kalan_vod wrote:the features are more definable level design (size of bars and speed)
many posts after my question is exactly what I was asking for in the first place. As I mentioned, I am impressed by your skill in Basic, and the accomplishment in making this program. I expressed this in my following posts in an effort to show that I was not in any way trying to insult you.

However, I do not appreciate you flaming me in another forum. I am not saying that basic sucks, as is plainly stated in that topic here:
compwiz seems to have joined the dark side, the side of ppl who keep telling others to learn asm since basic sucks, lot of ppl at mc did that too because they followed the trend
Contrary to what is posted in that topic at omnimaga, I said earlier in this very topic that there are places that basic is very well suited for, and that you are pushing the boundaries of basic to encompass things that were once only done in asm.

Please read over my posts. I think that my feelings about basic are very well expressed there.

Posted: Thu 01 Jun, 2006 11:18 pm
by kalan_vod
Timendus wrote:Absolutely right. I'm not sure though how that has much to do with my point? :)
To show that all I try to do here is help others in the best way I can, and by that I mean keeping them motivated. I really look forward to many projects, but without people showing much if any interest it is very hard to stay motivated.

@Compwiz: Ok, I didn't say that on omni but I did say that "I am sick of death of you", at which now I regret saying and apologize for doing so. I appreciate you taking the time to apologize and all.