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Posted: Tue 16 May, 2006 2:11 pm
by Floodkiller
this is great! i love having so many choices of what to play, in such a small space!

the only thing ive noticed so far is that some of the games confuse me a bit, which im sure its just me, and the other thing is that im not sure if the other guy in tron is supposed to copy your every move. maybe im not playing on a high enough difficulty, but it would be cool to have a seperate ai for it.

Posted: Tue 16 May, 2006 4:37 pm
by kalan_vod
Well I never actually played tron, so I made up my own...He copies the opposite of everything you do >.>, which is sometimes harder but you can win eventually. And I didn't add info for some games b/c I didn't really think many were difficult to pick up on, but if you could list the ones you think should include info let me know and I can see what I can do :P

Posted: Tue 16 May, 2006 11:28 pm
by Floodkiller
well, the paddel game keeps going by too fast for me to understand it...and i dont die in the dfa game...other than that, everything else is fine

Posted: Wed 17 May, 2006 6:17 am
by tr1p1ea
I still like avalanche the best, tho tron is very cool.

Have you been thinking about possibilities for extending the game pack or even creting another one?

Posted: Wed 17 May, 2006 7:18 am
by kalan_vod
Well the cool thing with avalanche is that you can make it have several falling, but it is all falling at once >.<. It would be too slow for it to be separate, but I did make one such a way doing so >.>. As for as adding to it or a new one...Idk yet, but I plan on updating the current one. I will optimize it more, and group all the snake type games into one and make 1 or two new games though. Thanks!