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Posted: Fri 16 Dec, 2005 9:20 pm
by currahee
calcul831415 wrote:Why do you have so many z80 83+/84+ series calcs? I'd be satisfied if I just had one. :roll:
First 83+: LCD Screen Died, didn't send it in to fix because the $50 discount repair offer scared me
Second 83+: In existance
First 83+ S.E.: Met kid thought the d@mn thing was broken. Turns out screen was set to lightest contrast and batts were dead
First 84+: Came to Korea. I really didn't intend on going to school here and I ended up going to school here (stayin for a year). I asked my mom if she could send my 83+ over and she said that it wouldn't arrive when I needed it so my aunt brought me an 84+.

... I just realized how much I gave my money to TI. Day-um, I shoulda just brought an Xbox 360 :x

Posted: Sat 17 Dec, 2005 12:58 am
by lecks
i have an 82 (the original, bulky 1970's cell phone lookin one)
and an 84+se

.. hehe no 83s..

Posted: Sat 17 Dec, 2005 2:56 am
by KRoot
I have too many calculators in my collection.

83, 83+, 83+SE and a 89

i want to get an 86 because they are the best, but i have too many as it is

Posted: Sat 17 Dec, 2005 3:49 am
by Madskillz
I have a somewhat working 83+ (Cant play games on it anymore)
I also have a 84+ SE (I love the SEs)

Posted: Sat 17 Dec, 2005 4:14 am
by CompWiz
Madskillz wrote:I have a somewhat working 83+ (Cant play games on it anymore)
I also have a 84+ SE (I love the SEs)
Yeah, the se's are nice, but the lcd drivers can be a pain. Also, more Ram would have been nice. Even a little would help. You can't really use the whole archive up because it takes up too much of the ram, so many programs won't run.

Posted: Sat 17 Dec, 2005 9:54 am
by leofox
The 83+SE actually has more RAM :P. 128KB, but TI was too lazy to make a new OS..

Posted: Sat 17 Dec, 2005 4:26 pm
by CompWiz
Hmm, isn't there someone working on a new 3rd party operating system? Maybe it will let you use the more ram.

Posted: Sat 17 Dec, 2005 4:33 pm
by lecks
CompWiz wrote:Hmm, isn't there someone working on a new 3rd party operating system? Maybe it will let you use the more ram.
do they have a web site? id like to see the progress. the ti os is crap.

Posted: Sat 17 Dec, 2005 4:36 pm
by DarkerLine
Sigma (CSX) and Darth Android from UTI (DragonOS) are/were working on OSes, they're the only ones I know of. Both OSes seem to be deader than a doornail on the door to a crypt in an abandoned cemetery in Death Valley (no offense to either author, making an OS is most definitely not an easy task).

CSX v0.27 beta - the latest version of CSX that I found.

Edit: there's also PongOS.

Posted: Sat 17 Dec, 2005 5:42 pm
by CompWiz
Actually, I think someone was working along on one a little while back. He was pretty far along, but then TI sent him a letter threatening to sue him or something because he was using some of the code from their OS. I remember reading it somewhere. Probably on UTI. Because of that he stopped.

Posted: Sat 17 Dec, 2005 6:42 pm
by Liazon
KRoot wrote:I have too many calculators in my collection.

83, 83+, 83+SE and a 89

i want to get an 86 because they are the best, but i have too many as it is
When I got my 89Ti, my brother got my 86. What do you mean they are the best? Then again, I'm bad at ASM programming without ION because I rely so much on writeback.

My 89-BASIC RPG is not working out at all. I don't feel like learning all the special differences between 83+ BASIC and 89-BASIC so I'm going to just continue learning C, forget about programming during classes, and write a C version so I'd have nice greyscale. Can someone clarify as to whether HW3 on 89Ti will support greyscale? And which C libraries include nice greyscale funtions?

Posted: Sun 18 Dec, 2005 9:38 am
by leofox
CompWiz wrote:Hmm, isn't there someone working on a new 3rd party operating system? Maybe it will let you use the more ram.
There are some programs that use the extra RAM i think.

Oh, i only have an 83+ btw, to stay on the topic.

Posted: Sun 18 Dec, 2005 10:23 am
by the_unknown_one
I voted 83, 83+ and 84+. Actually I don' t have an 83, but my older sis does, and I have used it too in the past, so I thought I could vote that one as well. Then, my old trusty 83+, which I've coded and played games on for 2 years... Ah, the good times we've been through together... And the bad times... Actually, now that I think about it, there were more bad times than good times... Ah nevermind. My younger sister uses it now. And then, my new 84+, don't worry, my precious, I'll protect you... Gollum, gollum...