[Featured][Beta] API - Why hasn't this been done yet?!

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Post by CoBB »

qarnos wrote:It's basically a file which tells search engines which files they shouldn't index. Might be of some use to you.
Many spiders ignore robots.txt.
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Post by Timendus »

I wonder if I should upload the stable API to Ticalc.org under routines or something, and add a link to the website. It needs to get a bit more attention. I already e-mailed Ticalc.org about featuring it as a newsitem several days ago, but I don't think they'll do that.

By the way, Ben:
benryves wrote:(I'll try to remember to post my routines at some point, but they probably aren't good enough).
First; I have never seen anything coming from you that wasn't worth it's file size in gold :P
Second; it's an open source project, so if it's not good enough someone else will probably optimize it. But I'd like to see a bit more functionality in it first, optimization can wait a bit I think.
http://clap.timendus.com/ - The Calculator Link Alternative Protocol
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Post by gangsta »

get kv to feature it on the MaxCoderz frontpage!
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Post by Timendus »

Nah, I doubt he'll do that :) Besides, more people visit this forum than maxcoderz.net...
I just added the website to two Ti webrings, let's see if I get accepted, and how much it'll help ;)
http://clap.timendus.com/ - The Calculator Link Alternative Protocol
http://api.timendus.com/ - Make your life easier, leave the coding to the API
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Post by threefingeredguy »

Get MV to feature it on ticalc and Nikky/Andy to do it on CG.
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Post by Timendus »

I guess I could give that a try :)
I'll pop into #tcpa some time soon.
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Post by benryves »

Timendus wrote:By the way, Ben:
benryves wrote:(I'll try to remember to post my routines at some point, but they probably aren't good enough).
First; I have never seen anything coming from you that wasn't worth it's file size in gold :P
Second; it's an open source project, so if it's not good enough someone else will probably optimize it. But I'd like to see a bit more functionality in it first, optimization can wait a bit I think.
Problem is, the only generic routines that would be of any use relate to eachother - so string reverse relies on a string length, but you already have a string length yet I cannot use that as my string length needs the string at hl. Things like that ;)
Also, they're all standalone, so use strange non-TI equates (system._linkport instead of bport, for example).
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Post by Timendus »

I have an idea, just post the seperate routines here so people (probably me, but let's keep the idea of open development ;)) can rewrite parts of it before we add them.
benryves wrote:but you already have a string length yet I cannot use that as my string length needs the string at hl. Things like that ;)
So does this. If you don't want to use the macro, you can define it's api_use_whatever, and call the routine:

Code: Select all

#DEFINE api_use_string_size
ld hl,str
call api_string_size
; bc = length
http://clap.timendus.com/ - The Calculator Link Alternative Protocol
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Post by benryves »

You asked for it... (note, XML tags are from an old helpfile generator I no longer use).


Code: Select all

;<file>String manipulation and formatting functions</file>

;<summary>Print out the unsigned number in the accumulator in decimal form</summary>
;<input>A=The number to print. It will be printed unsigned.</input>

	ld b,0
	cp 100	; > 100?
	jr c,_s_d_a_s_100
	inc b
	sub 100
	jr _s_d_a_100
	push af
	ld a,b
	or a
	jr z,_s_d_a_s_n_100
	add a,'0'
	call _t_put_c
	pop af	

	ld b,0
	cp 10	; > 10?
	jr c,_s_d_a_s_10
	inc b
	sub 10
	jr _s_d_a_10
	push af
	ld a,b
	or a
	jr z,_s_d_a_s_n_10
	add a,'0'
	call _t_put_c
	pop af
	add a,'0'
	call _t_put_c

;<summary>Displays the value [00->FF] held in A in hexadecimal form</summary>
;<input>A=The value to display</input>
	push af
	push af
	srl a
	srl a
	srl a
	srl a
	call _s_disp_a_hex_nibble
	pop af
	and %00001111
	call _s_disp_a_hex_nibble
	pop af

;<summary>Displays the lower nibble [0->F] of A in hexadecimal form.</summary>
;<input>A=The value to display</input>
;<remarks>Not intended to be called on its own; it is better to call _s_disp_a_hex</remarks>
	push af
	and %00001111
	cp 10
	jr c,_s_d_h_n_10
	sub 10
	add a,'A'
	call _t_put_c
	pop af
	add a,'0'
	call _t_put_c
	pop af
;<summary>Check if two strings are equal to eachother</summary>
;<input>HL=Pointer to first string,DE=Pointer to second string</input>
;<output>Z=Equality of strings: Z if they are the same or NZ if they are different.</output>
	ld a,(de)
	or a
	jr z,_s_cmp_len
	xor (hl)
	ret nz	; Nonidentical
	inc hl
	inc de
	jr _s_cmp
	or (hl)

;<summary>Get the length of a string</summary>
;<input>HL=Pointer to the string</input>
;<output>A=Length of the string</output>
	push hl
	push bc
	ld b,0
	ld a,(hl)
	or a
	jr z,_s_length_found
	inc hl
	inc b
	jr _s_length_get
	ld a,b
	pop bc
	pop hl

;<summary>Reverse a string</summary>
;<input>HL=Pointer to the string</input>
;<remarks>The string is overwritten by the new, reversed version.</remarks>
	call _s_length
	or a
	ret z
	srl a
	or a
	ret z	; <2 character string

	push bc
	push hl
	push de

	ld b,a

	ld d,h
	ld e,l

	ld a,(de)
	or a
	jr z,_s_rev_eod
	inc de
	jr _s_rev_f_eod

	dec de

	; At this point, DE=pointer to last char, HL=pointer to start char, B=length>>1

	ld c,(hl)
	ld a,(de)
	ld (hl),a
	ld a,c
	ld (de),a

	inc hl
	dec de
	djnz _s_rev_loop

	pop de
	pop hl
	pop bc

;<summary>Returns a 16-bit value corresponding to the string pointed to by HL</summary>
;<input>HL=Pointer to the string to convert</input>
;<warning>This function trashes the string, so if it is imporant call this function on a copy of it.</warning>

	push bc
	push de

	call _s_reverse	;Reverse so it's in units-tens-hundreds-thousands... order	

	ld b,h
	ld c,l

	ld de,1
	ld hl,0

	ld a,(bc)
	or a
	jr z,_s_gv_totalled
	sub '0'
	jr z,_s_gv_got_digit

	push bc
	ld b,a
	add hl,de
	djnz _s_gv_get_unit
	pop bc


	; HL = running total. Save it away...
	push hl

	; Now we need to DE*10:
	ex de,hl
	add hl,hl
	ld d,h
	ld e,l
	add hl,hl
	add hl,hl
	add hl,de
	ex de,hl
	pop hl
	inc bc
	jr _s_gv_get_next

	pop de
	pop bc


;<summary>Returns a command-line argument as a string</summary>
;<remarks>Argument number 0 will always be the name of the program being run.</remarks>
;<input>HL=Location of buffer to store the resulting string in,A=Which argument to return (0-indexed),B=Size of buffer to store result in (stops overflows)</input>
;<important>Use of any function that accesses the _input_buffer will overwrite the current command. If need be, call this function at the start of your program and save the returned value to a safe location in RAM.</important>
	ld de,_input_buffer
	push bc
	or a
	jr z,_s_gav_found
	ld b,a
	ld a,(de)
	cp ' '
	jr z,_s_gav_found_nearly
	or a
	jr z,_s_gav_found_null
	inc de
	jr _s_gav_find

	inc de
	djnz _s_gav_find
	pop bc

	ld a,(de)
	cp ' '
	jr nz,_s_gav_copy_notspace
	xor a
	ld (hl),a
	inc hl
	inc de
	or a
	ret z
	djnz _s_gav_copy
	; Run off the end...
	dec hl
	ld (hl),0

_s_gav_found_null:	; Past the end of the input string
	pop bc
	ld (hl),0

;<summary>Returns the number of command-line arguments</summary>
;<remarks>Note that it will always be at least 1 - the command itself is considered an argument!</remarks>
;<important>Use of any function that accesses the _input_buffer will overwrite the current command. If need be, call this function at the start of your program and save the returned value to a safe location in RAM.</important>
;<output>A=Number of command-line arguments</output>
	push hl
	push bc
	ld c,1
	ld hl,_input_buffer

	ld a,(hl)
	or a
	jr z,_s_gac_found
	cp ' '
	jr nz,_s_gac_nospace
	inc c
	inc hl
	jr _s_gac_calc

	ld a,c
	pop bc
	pop hl

Code: Select all

;<file>TI-OS compatible link routines</file>
;<summary>Send a byte over the link port</summary>
;<input>A=Byte to send</input>
;<output>Z=Success or failure (Z for success; NZ for failure)</output>
;<remarks>As far as I know, this routine is entirely compatible with the official TI byte-transfer protocol.</remarks>
	push hl
	push bc
	ld c,a

	ld hl,_link_timeout_l
	in a,(_linkport)
	and 3
	cp 3
	jr z,_l_send_waited_reset
	dec hl
	ld a,h
	or l
	jr nz,_l_send_wait_reset
	jr _l_sb_timeout_q


	ld b,8
	push bc

	ld a,c
	and 1
	jr nz,_l_send_a
	ld l,2
	jr _l_send_b
	ld l,1

	ld a,l
	xor 3
	out (_linkport),a

	ld b,_link_timeout
	in a,(_linkport)
	and l
	jr z,_l_send_waited_ack
	jr _l_send_wait_ack
	jr _l_sb_timeout

	xor a
	out (_linkport),a

	pop bc
	srl c

	djnz _l_send_bit
	pop bc
	pop hl
	xor a

	pop bc
	pop bc
	pop hl
	or $FF


;<summary>Receive a byte over the link port</summary>
;<output>A=Received byte,Z=Success or failure (Z for success; NZ for failure)</output>
;<remarks>As far as I know, this routine is entirely compatible with the official TI byte-transfer protocol.</remarks>
	push de
	push hl
	push bc
	; E will be the value we store the byte in
	ld e,0
	ld b,8
	push bc

	ld b,_link_timeout
        in a,(_linkport)
        and 3
	ld c,a	; Store the value in C [eg 01]
        cp 3
	jr nz,_l_got_bit
	djnz _l_get_bit	; Nothing being sent... yet.
	jr _l_gb_timeout


	; One of the lines has been pulled LOW.
	; We have got a bit. L needs to be budged up to fit the next but in.
	srl e
	; Now, was it a '1'?
	cp 2
	jr z,_l_gb_not_1
	; Set the bit...
	ld a,%10000000
	or e
	ld e,a
	; Now we have recorded the bit, we need to pull the OTHER line low.
	ld a,c
	out (_linkport),a	; Output the toggled value. [eg 10]
	; Now we need to wait for the OTHER line to go back up...
	ld a,c
	xor 3
	ld c,a

	ld b,_link_timeout
	in a,(_linkport)
	and c
	jr nz,_l_gb_got_backup
	djnz _l_gb_wait_backup	; Nothing being sent... yet.
	jr _l_gb_timeout

	; Bring both lines back up
	xor a
	out (_linkport),a
	pop bc
	djnz _l_get_next_bit
	xor a
	ld a,e
	pop bc
	pop hl
	pop de

_l_gb_timeout:	; Branches here if the system times out.
	pop bc
	pop bc
	pop hl
	pop de
	or $FF
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Post by Timendus »

Wow, looking good :)
I'll see what I can do asap.
http://clap.timendus.com/ - The Calculator Link Alternative Protocol
http://api.timendus.com/ - Make your life easier, leave the coding to the API
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Post by Timendus »

I adapted your routines to work for the API. Haven't tested anything yet, I don't have the time for that now. Please check if I didn't make too many stupid mistakes :)

Code: Select all

; ***
; [routine]int.decToString(?str,#val)[/routine]
; Formats #val to be outputted in decimal form. Result at str.
; Example:
;  Write example
; Size:
;  ?? bytes routine + ?? bytes invocation
; Depends on:
;  Add dependencies
; Written by:
;  Ben Ryves

#IFDEF api_defines
#IFNDEF api_routines

   #DEFINE   int.decToString(str,val) ld hl,str
   #DEFCONT  \ ld a,val
   #DEFCONT  \ call api_int_decToString
   #DEFCONT  \ #DEFINE api_use_int_decToString


#IFDEF api_routines
#IFDEF api_use_int_decToString


   ; hl = str
   ; a = val

	ld b,0
	cp 100	; > 100?
	jr c,_s_d_a_s_100
	inc b
	sub 100
	jr _s_d_a_100
	push af
	ld a,b
	or a
	jr z,_s_d_a_s_n_100
	add a,'0'
	ld (hl),a
	inc hl
	pop af	

	ld b,0
	cp 10	; > 10?
	jr c,_s_d_a_s_10
	inc b
	sub 10
	jr _s_d_a_10
	push af
	ld a,b
	or a
	jr z,_s_d_a_s_n_10
	add a,'0'
	ld (hl),a
	inc hl
	pop af
	add a,'0'
	ld (hl),a
	inc hl
	ld (hl),0

I think my int.toString is pretty much the same as your _s_disp_a_hex

string.compare: I think yours is faster and smaller than mine :)

Code: Select all

Routine string.compare(?str1,?str2)	Edit

; ***
; [routine]string.compare(?str1,?str2)[/routine]
; Compares two zero terminated strings for equality, returns z flag:
;  z:  <i>str1</i> == <i>str2</i>
;  nz: <i>str1</i> != <i>str2</i>
; Example:
;  kbd.readln.home(buffer,8)
;  string.compare(buffer,compstr)
;  jr z,equalgo
;  home.println(notequal)
;  ret
;  ...
;  buffer: .fill 9,0
;  compstr: .db "FILENAME",0
;  notequal: .db "Not equal",0
;  equal: .db "Equal",0
; Written by:
;  Ben Ryves

#IFDEF api_defines
#IFNDEF api_routines

   #DEFINE   string.compare(str1,str2)   ld      hl,str1
   #DEFCONT  \ ld      de,str2
   #DEFCONT  \ call    api_string_compare
   #DEFCONT  \ #DEFINE api_use_string_compare


#IFDEF api_routines
#IFDEF api_use_string_compare


   ; hl = str1
   ; de = str2
   ; Return z = equal, nz = not equal

	ld a,(de)
	or a
	jr z,_s_cmp_len
	xor (hl)
	ret nz	; Nonidentical
	inc hl
	inc de
	jr _s_cmp
	or (hl)

I think my string.size if smaller and faster than your _s_length, not really sure though. Any way it's easier to use with string.reverse:

Code: Select all

; ***
; [routine]string.reverse(?str)[/routine]
; Reverses a string at str. String should be less than 255 chars long.
; Example:
;  Write example
; Size:
;  ?? bytes routine + ?? bytes invocation
; Depends on:
;  string.size
; Written by:
;  Ben Ryves

#IFDEF api_defines
#IFNDEF api_routines

   #DEFINE   string.reverse(str) ld hl,str
   #DEFCONT  \ call api_string_reverse
   #DEFCONT  \ #DEFINE api_use_string_reverse


#IFDEF api_routines
#IFDEF api_use_string_reverse

	#DEFINE api_use_string_size


   ; hl = str

	push hl
	call api_string_size
	dec hl
	ex de,hl
	pop hl    ; hl = pointer to start, de = pointer to end
	ld a,b
	or a
	ret nz     ; bail out if string longer than 255 chars
	or c
	ret z     ; bail out if string 0 chars long
	srl a
	or a
	ret z	  ; bail out if string 1 char long

	ld b,a

	; At this point, DE=pointer to last char, HL=pointer to start char, B=length>>1

	ld c,(hl)
	ld a,(de)
	ld (hl),a
	ld a,c
	ld (de),a

	inc hl
	dec de
	djnz _s_rev_loop



Code: Select all

; ***
; [routine]string.toDouble(?str)[/routine]
; Converts a decimal string to a 16-bit value in hl
; Example:
;  Write example
; Size:
;  ?? bytes routine + ?? bytes invocation
; Depends on:
;  string.reverse
; Written by:
;  Ben Ryves

#IFDEF api_defines
#IFNDEF api_routines

   #DEFINE   string.toDouble(str) ld hl,str
   #DEFCONT  \ call api_string_toDouble
   #DEFCONT  \ #DEFINE api_use_string_toDouble


#IFDEF api_routines
#IFDEF api_use_string_toDouble

   #DEFINE api_use_string_reverse


   ; hl = str


   call api_string_reverse  ;Reverse so it's in units-tens-hundreds-thousands... order   

   ld b,h
   ld c,l

   ld de,1
   ld hl,0

   ld a,(bc)
   or a
   jr z,_s_gv_totalled
   sub '0'
   jr z,_s_gv_got_digit

   push bc
   ld b,a
   add hl,de
   djnz _s_gv_get_unit
   pop bc


   ; HL = running total. Save it away...
   push hl

   ; Now we need to DE*10:
   ex de,hl
   add hl,hl
   ld d,h
   ld e,l
   add hl,hl
   add hl,hl
   add hl,de
   ex de,hl
   pop hl
   inc bc
   jr _s_gv_get_next


What exactly is the use of _s_get_arg_v and _s_get_arg_c?

I'm not sure if your link routines are of much use. We can use the Ti-OS ones, while this was designed with the idea that you were writing a replacement OS. I think using the Ti-OS routines with some error-handling-wrapping-stuff would be smaller.

Code: Select all

; ***
; [routine]link.write(#byte)[/routine]
; Sends a byte through the link port using the Ti protocol
; Returns succes in z flag:
;  z = success
;  nz = failure
; Example:
;  Write example
; Size:
;  ?? bytes routine + ?? bytes invocation
; Depends on:
;  Add dependencies
; Written by:
;  Ben Ryves

#IFDEF api_defines
#IFNDEF api_routines

   #DEFINE   link.write(byte) ld a,byte
   #DEFCONT  \ call api_link_write
   #DEFCONT  \ #DEFINE api_use_link_write


#IFDEF api_routines
#IFDEF api_use_link_write


   ; a = byte

   push hl
   push bc
   ld c,a

   ld hl,_link_timeout_l
   in a,(bport)
   and 3
   cp 3
   jr z,_l_send_waited_reset
   dec hl
   ld a,h
   or l
   jr nz,_l_send_wait_reset
   jr _l_sb_timeout_q


   ld b,8
   push bc

   ld a,c
   and 1
   jr nz,_l_send_a
   ld l,2
   jr _l_send_b
   ld l,1

   ld a,l
   xor 3
   out (bport),a

   ld b,_link_timeout
   in a,(bport)
   and l
   jr z,_l_send_waited_ack
   jr _l_send_wait_ack
   jr _l_sb_timeout

   xor a
   out (bport),a

   pop bc
   srl c

   djnz _l_send_bit
   pop bc
   pop hl
   xor a

   pop bc
   pop bc
   pop hl
   or $FF


Code: Select all

; ***
; [routine]link.read()[/routine]
; Reads a byte from the link port in a using the Ti protocol
; Returns succes in z flag:
;  z = success
;  nz = failure
; Example:
;  Write example
; Size:
;  ?? bytes routine + ?? bytes invocation
; Depends on:
;  Add dependencies
; Written by:
;  Ben Ryves

#IFDEF api_defines
#IFNDEF api_routines

   #DEFINE   link.read() call api_link_read
   #DEFCONT  \ #DEFINE api_use_link_read


#IFDEF api_routines
#IFDEF api_use_link_read



   ; E will be the value we store the byte in
   ld e,0
   ld b,8
   push bc

   ld b,_link_timeout
   in a,(bport)
   and 3
   ld c,a   ; Store the value in C [eg 01]
   cp 3
   jr nz,_l_got_bit
   djnz _l_get_bit   ; Nothing being sent... yet.
   jr _l_gb_timeout


   ; One of the lines has been pulled LOW.
   ; We have got a bit. L needs to be budged up to fit the next but in.
   srl e
   ; Now, was it a '1'?
   cp 2
   jr z,_l_gb_not_1
   ; Set the bit...
   ld a,%10000000
   or e
   ld e,a
   ; Now we have recorded the bit, we need to pull the OTHER line low.
   ld a,c
   out (bport),a   ; Output the toggled value. [eg 10]
   ; Now we need to wait for the OTHER line to go back up...
   ld a,c
   xor 3
   ld c,a

   ld b,_link_timeout
   in a,(bport)
   and c
   jr nz,_l_gb_got_backup
   djnz _l_gb_wait_backup   ; Nothing being sent... yet.
   jr _l_gb_timeout

   ; Bring both lines back up
   xor a
   out (bport),a
   pop bc
   djnz _l_get_next_bit
   xor a
   ld a,e


_l_gb_timeout:   ; Branches here if the system times out.
   pop bc
   or $FF

http://clap.timendus.com/ - The Calculator Link Alternative Protocol
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Post by benryves »

Timendus wrote:What exactly is the use of _s_get_arg_v and _s_get_arg_c?
_s_get_arg_c returns the number of command-line arguments in the input buffer, _s_get_arg_v gets a particular argument (by index) as a string. Not very useful, I guess (I just copied and pasted the general strings file).
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Post by Timendus »

Unless someone uses the API for making a command prompt thingy :)
So I adapted them anyway.

Code: Select all

; ***
; [routine]string.countWords(→str)[/routine]
; Returns the number of words (or arguments in a command line situation) found in the string at str in registers a and c.
; Example:
;  Write example
; Size:
;  ?? bytes routine + ?? bytes invocation
; Depends on:
;  Add dependencies
; Written by:
;  Ben Ryves

#IFDEF api_defines
#IFNDEF api_routines

   #DEFINE   string.countWords(str) ld hl,str
   #DEFCONT  \ call api_string_countWords
   #DEFCONT  \ #DEFINE api_use_string_countWords


#IFDEF api_routines
#IFDEF api_use_string_countWords


   ; hl = str
   ld c,1

   ld a,(hl)
   or a
   jr z,_s_gac_found
   cp ' '
   jr nz,_s_gac_nospace
   inc c
   inc hl
   jr _s_gac_calc

   ld a,c


Code: Select all

; ***
; [routine]string.getWord(>str,>word,#index,#maxwordsize)[/routine]
; Stores the <i>index</i>th word in the string at <i>str</i> in memory at <i>word</i>. Use <i>maxwordsize</i> to prevent overflow at <i>word</i>.
; Example:
;  Write example
; Size:
;  ?? bytes routine + ?? bytes invocation
; Depends on:
;  Add dependencies
; Written by:
;  Ben Ryves

#IFDEF api_defines
#IFNDEF api_routines

   #DEFINE   string.getWord(str,word,index) ld de,str
   #DEFCONT  \ ld hl,word
   #DEFCONT  \ ld a,index
   #DEFCONT  \ ld b,maxwordsize
   #DEFCONT  \ call api_string_getWord
   #DEFCONT  \ #DEFINE api_use_string_getWord


#IFDEF api_routines
#IFDEF api_use_string_getWord


   ; hl = word
   ; de = str
   ; a = index
   ; b = maxwordsize

   push bc
   or a
   jr z,_s_gav_found
   ld b,a
   ld a,(de)
   cp ' '
   jr z,_s_gav_found_nearly
   or a
   jr z,_s_gav_found_null
   inc de
   jr _s_gav_find

   inc de
   djnz _s_gav_find
   pop bc

   ld a,(de)
   cp ' '
   jr nz,_s_gav_copy_notspace
   xor a
   ld (hl),a
   inc hl
   inc de
   or a
   ret z
   djnz _s_gav_copy
   ; Run off the end...
   dec hl
   ld (hl),0

_s_gav_found_null:   ; Past the end of the input string
   pop bc
   ld (hl),0

http://clap.timendus.com/ - The Calculator Link Alternative Protocol
http://api.timendus.com/ - Make your life easier, leave the coding to the API
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Post by Timendus »

I added Ben's routines, plus the sprite routines from Sean's "The Best Damn Sprite Routines Period" package. I think everything should work properly, but I'd appreciate it if some people could run some tests with those routines. They also all need examples. So feel free to edit/add :)
http://clap.timendus.com/ - The Calculator Link Alternative Protocol
http://api.timendus.com/ - Make your life easier, leave the coding to the API
http://vera.timendus.com/ - The calc lover's OS
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Post by kv83 »

Just to give you an update;

We discussed featuring this project and came to the conclusion that we want to wait a little longer to see how this project develops... It has a good chance though :)
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