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Posted: Wed 17 Oct, 2007 3:03 pm
by driesguldolf
calc84maniac wrote:
driesguldolf wrote:
  • If someone can tell me how to recognize a 2 byte token I can support that too
He doesn't want two byte token support, because that's the major slowdown factor in the TI-OS routines.
It never hurts to try, my idea is to 'correct' the offset by rescanning the string and doing +1 but when theres a 2 byte token skip the next byte:

Code: Select all

; Assume hl->start of master string
; Assume bc->offset
	ld de, 0
	ld a, (hl)           ; [7]
	inc hl               ; [6]
	; Assuming that all 2byte token identifiers start from a specific value
	cp some_value        ; [7]
	jp nc, onebytetoken  ; [10]
	inc hl               ; [6]
	dec bc               ; [6]
	inc de               ; [6]
	; I know this can be faster, but it's just an example
	dec bc               ; [6]
	ld a, b              ; [4]
	or c                 ; [4]
	jp nz, rescan        ; [10]
	                     ; One byte token: 60 tstates
	                     ; Two byte token: 72 tstates
;Plus if there exists such a thing as some_value I can also eleminate false/positive results by checking wether (pointer_to_start_of_substring-1) is a 2 byte token, if it is then it has to get back searching!
If he only uses one byte tokens the overhead will be (say a string with a length of 6144 characters) 60*6144=368,640 tstates, in seconds: 368,640/6,000,000=0.06144 s
Ok, I was expecting a value a little bit higher ^^. Man it gotta suck to have programmed TIOS :mrgreen:

I made a string with 2048 times "ABC" and then I wanted to stresstest my program by letting it search for all instances of "ABC"...
The answer is 2048! NOT 2928!!!

EDIT: tried again and it gives 2920... Please say that it's TIOS's fault...

This is so wrong:

Bug found!
But really theres nothing to celebrate:
driesguldolf wrote: ; Calculate the amount of characters to look for
; = length(parent)-length(child)+1 +1 (the last +1 is a hack, it may ruin everything)
Why does this sound familiar?...

EDIT: all links updated (it turns out I uploaded an empty .zip file when you couldn't download it :oops:)
Former CursedGHOST shall be known as Cryzz.
Ok ok ok... My previous avatar sucked...
To make mistakes is human, to forgive is divine.
Crap char limit...


Posted: Wed 17 Oct, 2007 4:24 pm
by driesguldolf

Code: Select all

#define   EQU   .equ
#define   equ   .equ
#define   END   .end
#define   end   .end
#include ""

     .org 9D93h
     .db $BB,$6D

; Find all neccesary data and validate it

	ld hl, string1obj
	rst 20h                      ; rmov9toop1
	rst 10h                      ; rfindsym
	; If Str1 doesn't exist or it is archived, just quit
	jp c, error_undefined
	ld a, b
	or a
	jp nz, error_archived

	ex de, hl
	ld e, (hl)
	inc hl
	ld d, (hl)
	inc hl
	ld (parentsize), de
	push hl

	rst 10h                      ; rfindsym
	; If Ans doesn't exist, isn't a string or it got archived somehow :P, quit too
	jp c, error_undefined
	and %00011111
	cp strngobj
	jp nz, error_datatype
	ld a, b
	or a
	jp nz, error_archived

	ex de, hl
	ld e, (hl)
	inc hl
	ld d, (hl)
	inc hl
	ld (childsize), de
	push hl

	; This will also do the error checking for me

	; the romcall _convop1 fails for negative numbers, so I check it myself
	ld a, (op1)
	jp c, amountofinstances

	ld b, d
	ld c, e
	inc bc
	pop de
	pop hl

; Calculate offset

	push hl

	push bc
	call searchstring
	pop bc
	jr c, err_offset

	dec bc
	ld a, b
	or c
	jr nz, calcoffset

	; searchstring returns the address where the substring was found but we need the offset
	pop de
	sbc hl, de

	jp finalize

	pop hl                       ; Clean the stack
	ld hl, 0
	jp finalize

; Find number of occurences

	pop de
	pop hl

	ld bc, -1
	inc bc

	push bc
	call searchstring
	pop bc

	jr nc, instloop

	ld h, b
	ld l, c

; Makes Ans=hl and finishes

	ld hl, op2
	rst 20h                      ; rmov9toop1

;; ==== searchstring ====
;; Searches for the first next occurence of the string pointed at by de (= child string)
;; in the string pointed at by hl (= parent string)
;; Author:
;;  Dries Guldolf (
;; Pre:
;;  de = points at child string
;;  hl = points at parent string
;; Post:
;;  c-flag = set if not found, reset otherwise
;;  hl = points at character after occurence (if found)
;;  Interrupts are disabled
;;  Consider af, bc, de, hl, af', bc', de' and hl' destroyed
;; Warning:
;;  Don't include the length prefix in the pointers.
;;  This routine is designed to be able to continue searching where it left of last time.
;;  This is also a bit specific for this situation and may need to be modified for a more general version.


	; If the child string is larger than the parent string then we will never find it
	ld hl, (parentsize)
	ld de, (childsize)
	or a
	sbc hl, de
	ret c

	; Calculate the amount of characters to look for
	; = length(parent)-length(child)+1  +1 (this is a hack, it may ruin everything)
	inc hl
	push hl

	push de
	push hl

	; Set Parity/Overflow
	xor a
	ex af, af'

	; Find the first next occurance of the child string in the parent string
	pop hl
	pop de
	pop bc

	; If we run out of characters then we will never find it
	ex af, af'
	ret po

	ld a, (de)

	; Save the sate of Parity/Overflow
	ex af, af'

	push bc
	push de
	push hl
	; We found a matching character, now to see if the rest matches too
	dec hl
	ld bc, (childsize)
	ld a, (de)
	inc de
	; If it was a false alarm, just continue from the next index we found the first character
	jp nz, searchloop
	jp pe, verifyloop

	; We found a match!
	; hl points at the next character
	pop hl
	pop de
	pop bc
	; Save the new size
	dec bc
	ld ix, (childsize)
	add ix, bc
	ld (parentsize), ix
	or a

; Error handling

; Not sure what to do with the returns, just to be sure... You never know with TI... :P

; Data

	.db strngobj, tvarstrng, tstr1, 0

	.dw 0
	.dw 0
